73. Not alone.

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~ Pov Harry ~ 

I stroll into the house with sodden clothes. My father looks up from the living room and comes over to me. "How was it?" I shrug. 

"Terrible. Zayn and I stayed with Mel for several hours after the funeral." He nods and hesitantly wraps his arms around me. "In times like this it's important to be together. I'm sorry you had to lose someone so young." I let go of him. 

"I'm going to change in some other clothes." 

"Okay, let me know if you need anything." I nod. 

"I'll do that."

With little energy left, I walk up the stairs and manage to get on a warm sweater and jeans. And just as I lay down on my bed, my phone rings. I frown when I see 'Jay' as the ID. Why would she call so late? I bring my cell phone to my ear. "Hello?" 

"Harry?" Her voice sounds panicked, but she tries to hide it. "Harry? Is Louis with you?" I sit up straight. 

"No, why? Is he still not home?" 

"No. It's been several hours since the funeral and he hasn't come home yet. I've tried calling him, but he doesn't answer."

I immediately get up and put on my shoes again. "I'll see if I can find him, I know some places he'd be. Don't worry, Louis will be home safely." I hear her swallow. 

"I hope so. Thanks Harry." 

"No problem, I'm going to look for him now. See you later." Without waiting for an answer, I run down the stairs. My father looks surprised when I put my coat back on. 

"Where are you going so late?" 

"Louis didn't come home. I'm going to find him." He stands up. 

"Is that a good idea? It's already dark outside." 

"Dad." I look at him. "Louis is my friend and you don't let friends down, especially at a time like this. I'm going." He nods. 

"Okay, but please let me drive. The weather is awful outside. Not only would I love to have Louis back home safe, but you too." I smile. 

"Let's go."

With a spurt he quickly takes a coat and his car keys. We run to the car as fast as we can. He immediately starts the car. "Where do you want to go?" 

"Drive to Kjell's house. I'll give you instructions, it's not far."

Not much longer than 5 minutes we arrive in front of his house. It's strange to think that no one lives here anymore and the thought that anyone ever will feels wrong. "Will you wait here while I go in?" I ask my father. He nods. 

"But how are you going to get in?" I rattle in my pocket and pull out a small key. 

"Spare key. Kjell gave it to me two years ago. I'm sure Louis has one, too, and if he's in there, I won't even need it."

With a jerk I open the door of the car, but the strong wind almost blows it back. The rain falls hard from the sky, as if it's angry. I quickly run to the front door and when I get in without a key, it confirms my feeling. Louis is here. I close the door behind me, but the rain continues to tap loudly on the windows. Soaked, I slowly walk to the living room. I look around, but see no one. Until I hear a sob behind me. I turn around and see Louis sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. And judging by the bottles of alcohol, he has been drinking.

Without saying a word, I sit down next to him. He looks at me sideways with bloodshot eyes. I can't tell if it's the alcohol or the tears that are causing this effect, probably both. "Sorry," he whispers through his sobs. He points to the bottles. 

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