98. Graduated.

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~ Pov Louis ~ 

"After six fantastic years, the class of 2021 is graduating. I am very pleased with the results achieved by the students and am pleased to announce that we can now begin the graduation ceremony," says our principal. She is standing at the front of the stage wearing a long flower dress. Her hair is up and her eyes are painted. She starts by calling out the names and hands everyone their diploma. While waiting for my name, my mind wanders to the past year and all the events that have transpired.


Shall we go?" Liam nods and when I turn around, all my oxygen is taken away in a second. There he is, a few meters away from me. His curls don't even reach his shoulders anymore and his clothing style has also changed. He doesn't look like the boy from last year anymore. But that's how it feels.

I bite my lip when his eyes meet mine. His mouth drops slightly, every movement stopped. I see him sigh from afar, and it's like I can feel his warm breath against my skin. He forces a short smile before following Mel and Zayn. He just walks away. He ignores me. He keeps his promise.

~end flashback~

I look at Harry sitting next to me and smile. It's strange to think that I didn't want to see or speak to him at the beginning of the year, that I didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. It all sounds so illogical now.


"You don't look like the type to come to these kinds of parties." I smile for a moment.

"Is it that obvious?" He smiles.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I shrug my shoulders briefly and stand next to him against the wall.

"I don't really know myself. Maybe I had hoped to meet someone I would rather not see." He raises his eyebrows.

"Sounds like complicated relationship shit." I chuckle.

"Yes, let's call it that. Complicated."

"I'm Kjell by the way."

~end flashback~

I smile at the memory and feel that feeling of missing him coming up. I'm sure he would have been here too, by my side, fully graduated and ready for a new part of his life. It is so sad that he is gone, but I am grateful that I got to know him for a few months. Without him I wouldn't be here now.


"I don't need a psychiatrist, I'm not sick!" My eyes start to water. Harry tries to touch me, but I move away from him, from all of them. He sighs.

"We don't think you're sick. You just need help before you-"

"Before I what? Before I become you?" I rub my hands over my face. "God, Harry! You told them!"

"I know and I'm sorry, but this is for the best"

"That was all I asked of you! To keep quiet about what happened over the summer and you can't even do that!"

"Louis, please let me explain..." I shake my head.

"You broke your promise, again. You broke my trust, again!" A tear rolls down my cheek.

"Sorry." I laugh ironically.

"Regret always comes too late to you, doesn't it?"

I run outside and grab my bike, ready to go away. "Louis! Where are you going?"

"Somewhere where they don't think I'm crazy." Harry tries to stop me.

"I don't think you're crazy." I look at him and decide that this is the last time I will waste words on him.

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