32. Fantasy.

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Song for this chapter:

Falling apart - Micheal Schulte (slowed down)

~ Pov Harry ~ 

The door closes. A smack can be heard in the bathroom. His body hit the wall with a bang. My lips grab his like that's all it can do. My hands fit around his body like a puzzle piece. Although every piece is a mystery.

His fingers struggle with the bottom of my shirt, trying to take it off. I pull back and easily pull it over my head. Without looking at me for just a second, his lips are already coming back. I stop him. I grab his sweater and rip the fabric off his body. His eyes stare uncertainly at the floor and his arms hide his body as if it were automatic.

With my thumb and finger I lift his head so that he has to look at me. And while I make sure that nothing covers his body with my other hand. I slide my fingers along his hip and hold him there. His skin is soft against mine. Without any haste I bring my lips to his. They almost rest against each other.

"Don't hide from me," I whisper. He bites his lip. "Okay?" He nods.

"Okay." I slide my fingers along his jawline. Eyes stare, don't let go. My lips touch his cheek. My hand slips to his neck. I kiss his collarbones. My thumb spins a few circles around his chest. Lips rub against it. I grab hold of him around the waist and gently drop to my knees. While looking at him, I gently pull off his belt. And when I'm sure it's okay for him, I lower his pants until it hits the floor.

I kiss his skin over the brim of his boxers. I hear him gasp and feel his fingers intertwine in my hair. "Harry," he sighs. Some pleasant shivers roll down my spine. With lips rubbing against his body, I get up again. Like a magnet it attracts me back. But with the last bit of force I pull back to turn on the shower faucet. The water runs over part of my arm and immediately lands on the ground.

I kiss him. He fiddles with my pants and the rough fabric ends up on the floor. I push my body against his. His skin against the cold tiles. Warm vapor around us. Our lips crossed. Eyes closed. No more breath. Without oxygen. Just poison that we both drown in.

I grab his boxers and look at him. His eyes darker but brighter than ever. "Are you okay with this?" His tongue slides over his lower lip.

"Are you?" I frown for a moment, amazed that he asks me that. My heart makes a weird jump. I bite my lip shortly but nod.

"Yes." I kiss him. "Thank you," I whisper to him. He smiles briefly.

My fingers grab the fabric and slowly pull it down. Goosebumps develop on his skin and I kiss every bit away. I kick off my boxers and leave his lips. Louis's eyes remain closed. I intertwine our fingers and gently pull him into the shower. The warm water falls past us. I look down on him biting my lip. His arms hang in front of his body and I gently pull them away.

"Trust me."

"I'm doing that."

I scan every part of him and he immediately looks away. I force him to look at me. "Imagine..." I put his arms around my neck and gently push him against the wall. "Imagine you're here alone." I place my hands around his waist. "I'm not there. Nobody can see you." He closes his eyes. I kiss his neck and leave some red marks. "Neither can I. I'm just a fantasy. A lonely thought wandering in your head. You're all alone." His fingers grab my hair. I press my lips to his. "Do what you want. I'm not here. I'll never know what you're going to do now, because I'm just your fantasy. Your own thoughts you can trust."

I feel him relaxed in my arms when he kisses me. "You don't see anything. You don't hear anything. You don't feel anything. And you don't know anything. You're my fantasy. So you can't stop me?" I swallow the lump in my throat, knowing that this is a challenge for me too.


He looks at me. His fingers slide over my skin and hide a tuft of hair behind my ears. My heart is pounding in my throat, not knowing what he will do. He keeps staring at me. "Close your eyes." I do what he asks of me.

And I feel his arms tighten around my neck. He pushes his body against mine and nestles his head against my chest. My eyes pop open, arms weakened at my sides. "You're my fantasy. You will never know about this. But neither will I, this will never have happened to me either... You're my fantasy. And I'm yours." I bite my lip. Slowly I bring my arms to his body and tighten them around his back. I rest my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes and feel the water fall past us. And before I realize it, time is ticking slowly by as we stay in our embrace.

In our fantasy...


I love this part and the song

Also the Gif :((

Heartbreaker ~ Larry Stylinson {English}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum