64. Is it crazy to fall this quickly?

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~ Pov Harry ~ 

Mel looks at me suspiciously as I walk up to her. "What is it?" I ask her.

"I saw you talking to Louis this morning." I nod.

"Then I can confirm that your eyes are working properly." She rolls her eyes as I sit next to her.

"No, seriously. What were you talking about? Wasn't he in a madhouse?" I give her a look and immediately she mumbles a short 'sorry'.

"He was in a rehab center for a while."

"Did he tell you that?" I nod.

"He told me he had conversations with his psychologist. About me."

Mel looks at me. "Did you tell him you're going to a psychologist too?" I shake my head.


"Why not?"

"Because I don't want him to think this situation is breaking me too. I'm ashamed to tell him I'm also suffering because I'm the one who caused all this. It feels like I don't have that right." I feel her hand on my knee.

"Don't say that. You have as many rights as anyone else, even if you've done things that aren't okay. The important thing is that you solve your problems instead of creating more." I chuckle a little.

"You're right."

"Sure I'm right," she says as she gives me a nudge, but immediately starts rummaging in her pockets when her cell phone makes a noise. She checks the new message she just got and I try to read over her shoulder.

"Are you free next week? Xx," I read aloud. Mel immediately pulls her cell phone away from my face.

"Harry!" I start to laugh.

"What? Your best friend can't know you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" She rolls her eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh, so the lucky one is a boy. Tell me more."

"No. Forget it. I'm not telling you."

I look at her with a pout. "Why not?"

"Because you know him." I widen my eyes.

"Is it Zac?" She laughs out loud and shakes her head so hard I think she must have a concussion by now.

"No! No! No way. It isn't Zac."

"Who is it?" She looks at me when her laughter muffles. Her gaze has never been so calm.

"It's Jason."

I frown and then realize I only know one Jason. I widen my eyes. "Wait- No! You mean Jason? Like Louis' neighbor?" She nods hesitantly.

"Yes. Him."

"How? I didn't even know you two knew each other." She drops her hands in her lap.

"Remember the last day you saw Louis during the summer holidays? Jason and he were sitting on a wall at his house. You wanted to talk to Louis who eventually took you to the backyard. I was left alone with Jason. We got to talk and ended up handing out numbers. Since then, not a day has gone by that we haven't spoken to each other ."

I remain silent for a moment. "Are you angry?" she asks. I frown at her.

"Angry? No, of course not. Why should I be angry?"

"Because Jason had feelings for Louis and because they kissed..." I shake my head.

"That's in the past," I tell her. "I like Jason. He's a good guy." She looks at me hopefully.

"Are you serious?" I smile.

"Shouldn't you text someone back to say you're free to go on a date next week?" She looks at me strangely.

"Wait. A date?" I chuckle a little.

"You didn't think he was just asking for fun, did you?"

"No, but I-"

"You've never been on a date?," I mimic her own words from last year.

"What? Like you've already been on a date."

"Touche." She lets her head fall into her hands with a sigh.

"What should I wear? What would we even be doing? Should I wear a dress? Should I take my piercings off? Just dye my hair brown again or-" I shake my head and stop her.

"Mel, Jason likes you for who you are. That means he doesn't have to see you in a dress or that you have to dye your hair and take out your piercings. Those are the things he likes, because it's you. So don't change yourself, you're perfect just the way you are." She looks at me with a smile.

"Sometimes you can be really helpful." I laugh.

"Great to know that's how you see me." She smiles with me and rests her head on my shoulder. I put my arm over her and let my head fall on hers.

"Is it crazy?"

"Is what crazy?"

"To fall for someone so quickly?" I stare straight ahead and don't have to think for more than half a second.

"No, not at all."


Hm... I sense a new ship coming up...

I have an oral exam of Dutch tomrrow... How are the exams going? Mine are going better than thought lol

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