48. "His promise, my heart."

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Songs for this chapter:

Lewis Capaldi - Bruises (Live Orchestral version)


Charlotte OC - Cut The Rope

*I really recommend listening to these songs while reading this part*

~ Pov Louis ~ 

It's still early in the morning when I walk through school. I just wanted to reminisce before the crowds arrive on this last day of school. My head is spinning with all the memories flashing through my head.

"I could teach you..."

"Louis, we're older now. I don't care about our past, I don't care about what's wrong or right and I certainly do not care about you."

"Harry kissed me." "Wait. Are we talking about the same Harry here? Harry who you were best friends with? Harry who you can't stand? Harry the straight Harry?"

"You're going to get in trouble with me, but that's a risk you'll have to take."

"Did you fall for him? Are you in love with Harry?" "What is love?"

"Zayn was right. You're not the same person anymore and I've known for so long. You've changed so much that I don't even know who you are anymore, Harry. And I don't know if I even want to..."

"If you meet the one you should give him the honor to do all these things with you. Not Harry. He doesn't deserve that."

"I don't have feelings for you. I didn't fall for you. And your touch doesn't mean anything to me. Nothing at all. I could never feel anything for an asshole like you."

"I don't have feelings for him. That's not allowed." "He forbids you to love him?" "He forbids me to make the wrong choice."

"I don't know how long I'll be able to hold it in before I scream it to your face."

"This isn't just about sex, Louis." "I know. It's our excuse."

"I don't know yet. Let's just do what feels right. No lessons, no rules, no limits. Just us."

"Harry, I fell for you like an idiot."

"Promise me you're not going to break my heart." "I promise."

I wake up from my thoughts when two hands grab my hips. "Good morning." I smile and grab his arms when I recognize his voice.

"Good morning." I turn around in his arms. The first rays of the sun shine on him. "What are you doing here so early at school?" I ask Harry curiously. He shrugs.

"I can ask you the same."

I let go of him and look around the endless school corridor. "There are so many memories here..." I can feel his eyes burning on me.

"Beautiful memories," he confirms as he stands in front of me again. I look up at him. "And there will be many more to come." His fingers slide against my skin and his lips touch mine for a few seconds when our eyes close at the same time. I take a deep breath as he intertwines his fingers with my hair. And when I look at him I have a feeling that the very last puzzle piece falls into place.

He takes my hand and runs his fingers over my skin. "Shall we go outside?" I nod. And with our fingers entwined we walk out of the dark corridor.

Once outside we see Liam and Niall sitting on the bench together with Mel and Zayn. Without moving our hands, we approach them. Zayn raises his eyebrows and Nick smiles broadly. While Liam and Mel try to hide their grins.

Heartbreaker ~ Larry Stylinson {English}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora