33. Apologies.

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~ Pov Louis ~ 

It's the last day in Amsterdam and I'm starting to get the feeling that this is also my last chance. My last chance to explain everything, to tell the truth. I knock on the door. I hear some rumble from the hotel room. My heart is racing. And when the door is opened I bite my bottom lip.

"Hey... Liam." He looks me up and down, surprised to see me. "Can we talk for a minute?" I look at him but he remains silent. I don't get an answer until he closes the door behind him and stands in front of me.

"Lead the way." A small smile spreads across my face and with a little more confidence I walk outside where I sit on the hard floor. Liam follows my example and stares ahead.

I clear my throat. "I uh... I quit the teaching stuff with Harry." Liam looks up hopefully.

"Really?" I bite my lip. What's the point of this? I want to make up for this by what? By telling him more lies?

I sigh and lean my head against the wall so that I can look at him sideways. "You know? I was going to say what Niall thought was best. I was going to give you some apology that I wouldn't mean. But only now I realize that wouldn't be a good idea. I'm going to tell you the truth, and that is that I lied to Niall. And now to you too. I haven't quit. I haven't quit Harry."

Liam looks at me, looking for words but he can't find them. "I tried. I tried so hard to quit! I even told Harry I quit. But that wasn't what I wanted, and he knew it..." "Does Niall know-" I shake my head.

"No. He thinks I quit because I told him I did." Liam rubs his face with his hands. "Jesus Christ, Louis."

"I know this is going to sound harsh because it is, but I couldn't choose. I couldn't choose between him and the two of you, my best friends. I needed him. No, I needed the teaching. I needed it as an excuse, to avoid the truth, to still be with him. And this really doesn't sound like an-" I chuckle, "an excuse. But that's not even the intention, saying a simple sorry, because what would it mean? I don't regret letting Harry teach me stuff and still letting him do so. I don't regret my choice."

I look him straight in the eye. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, that I didn't trust you, that I wasn't your friend. I'm sorry I lied and kept things from you."

Liam nods. "Thank you for telling this." I smile. "It doesn't mean that this makes everything okay, it certainly doesn't. But... I think I understand you. Maybe I should apologize for this, as a friend I should have listened to you, looked at things from your side but I didn't. So I'm sorry I sometimes suck at being a good friend." We both laugh and I throw my head back.

With every smile that leaves my lips, a weight falls off my shoulders and my body fills with relief.

I bite my lip when we stand up and stop Liam when he wants to go in. "I have one more thing to tell you." He turns around and stands in front of me.

"What is it?"

"There is one more thing you need to know, something important." He nods, a sign that I have his attention. "The reason I haven't quit is because I can't." I sigh. "I can't stop because-"

"Because you fell for him?"

He puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it. "I don't know what you expect to hear from me now, Louis. But I can't help you, you know that, right? I can be there for you but I can't take away your feelings for him." He chuckles. "Even though I would really want to do that."

I smile slightly. "I'm sorry."

"I guess you shouldn't say this to me now, but to Niall. Because he's the one you're lying to now."


I know this is really short, but this had to be written

Also I wrote for like 4 hours yesterday so I have a lot of chapters translated

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