53. Hidden summer.

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~ Pov Louis ~ 

The next morning I walk into the school feeling tired. We're only the second day and I'm already longing for a holiday or just to never have school again. With a sigh I walk to my locker, but I stop immediately when I see a familiar face not much further from me. I walk up to the boy with a frown. I cough for a moment to get his attention. "Kjell?" He looks up confused but smiles when he recognizes me.

"Louis. It's been a while." I nod, still frowning.

"What are you doing here?" He raises his eyebrow.

"I go to school here?"

"Here?" I ask confused.


I chuckle. "And how long have you been going here to this school? Because to be honest, I've never seen you here before." Kjell gives me a smile.

"I've been here for two years. But I don't come to classes very often. So it's normal that you don't see me here much, but that doesn't mean I'm not known in this school," he winks. I know immediately what he's talking about. His 'business'. I lean against the lockers and look at him.

"Why are you never here?" He shrugs.

"I have better things to do." I nod, suspicious about his answer. Something just tells me that there's a reason, but I let it go. "Speaking of better things," he tells me, "are you coming to the party this Saturday?"

"Will you bring it with you?" I ask him a little more quietly.

"Sure," he grins. He puts his backpack around his shoulder.

"I have to go. See you later" I nod and sigh when he walks away from me.

"See you later."

With a smile I turn around, but I bump into a large male body. I look up, ready to apologize, but when I see the person, I swallow my words. For a moment I stare at him, not knowing what to say. His eyes look greener than ever. "Harry," is the first thing that leaves my lips, but it sounds more like a whisper. He's smiling, but I can see that something is bothering him. I'm about to reach out and touch him, then ask him what's wrong, if there is anything I can do for him, but that would be wrong.

I just clear my throat and say a short "Sorry" after which I pass him without looking at him anymore. But he takes my arm and stops me.

"Louis, wait." I watch his hand touch my skin, then I hold his eyes.

"Let go of me." His grip disappears immediately.

"Sorry. I just wanted to talk." I sigh and look around uncomfortably. People stare at us. Of course they do. They haven't forgotten the whole scene from last year, neither have I.

"You promised to ignore me and to not say a word to me, especially at school." He bites his lip and my eyes are immediately drawn to it.

"I know. But it's not about that, it's not about us." About that... I know what he means by that...

I just cough, trying to release some tension. "Then make it quick," I tell him quietly.

"Why were you talking to Kjell?" He asks. I look at him. He tries to hold back, his anger is hidden somewhere, but it doesn't show like last year. 

"That's none of your business."

"Louis, that guy is dangerous! Where did you even get to know each other?" I shrug my shoulders.

"We met at a party." He shakes his head.

"Louis, the parties where he can be found are not the kind of parties you want to attend."

"I can decide that myself."

He takes a step closer. "I mean it when I say he's dangerous."

"Do you know each other then?"

"Yes." I look at him with interest.

"How did you meet?" Harry looks around.

"I always bought my stuff from him, drugs." I look up in surprise. I knew he smoked and drank, but drugs? He sometimes joked about it, but I didn't think he meant it... A memory from last year pops up into my mind.

"Here," Harry says as he gives me a red cup.

"What's in it?," I ask while giving it a sniff.

"I don't know. Probably vodka."


"What? You don't like vodka?," he asks while taking a sip of an almost empty bottle. "I could grab you a beer?" I shake my head.

"Is there any coke?" He grins.

"Depends on what you mean."

I open my mouth and whisper to him: "Are there drugs here?" He laughs.

"Of course there are! I could hit you up with my man Kjell if you want some?" 

"Harry! What? No! Please tell me you don't do drugs." He rolls with his eyes, annoyed.

"Don't be such a baby. Drink. Do drugs if you want to. Have fun, let go."

It was the first party I ever went to. I remember having a huge fight with Harry afterwards. But then again, when didn't we fight?

I did forget him mentioning Kjell. So they do know each other...

"I didn't know you do drugs."

"Did," he corrects me. "And I didn't know you are doing drugs," he throws back. I quickly look around.

"You're going to shut up!" He chuckles for a moment.

"Do you really think you'll be able to hide it any longer? Everything that happened this summer will come out. The truth always comes out."

"You should know that, huh." He deviates his gaze.

"Just stay away from him."

"You have absolutely nothing to say about me. You should stay away from me. Keep your promise, Harry..."


Larry is talking hehehe

Men I love Kjell, his character is just my fav <3

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