I'm Sorry

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Inspired by WritersBlock039 'Nothing I Wouldn't Do For You'.
Team Supergirl arrive at Barry and Iris's Wedding but nothing goes to plan.


For Teen audiences and up.

Kara, Lena, Alex, James and Winn were walking into Jitters.

J-"When are you going to tell Oliver?"

K-"Either tonight or tomorrow, whenever I can get a quiet moment with him."

L-"He's going to be so happy."

K-"I hope so, I mean it's not ideal in our line of work or his current situation with the FBI."

A-"Oliver loves you, you love him and I'm sure William will be thrilled to have a new sibling."

As they walked into the rehearsal dinner, Oliver choked on his champagne, Thea and Cisco were both gobsmacked, Barry's jaw hit the floor and Sara wolf whistled. Sara's reaction made Kara turn red and turn around to face the group behind her. Winn was about to laugh at Kara when she placed a hand on her stomach and her face fell into one of pain and confusion.

W-"Kara what's wrong?"

Kara immediately had tears in her eyes and looked at the group who were looking in concern as they all knew what was happening before Lena took charge.

L-"Alex, me and you get Kara into the bathroom, boys cover by saying Alex was feeling ill, somehow get Thea, Felicity and Iris into the girls bathroom."

The boys nodded as Kara put on a brave face before following Alex through the crowd to the bathrooms with Lena behind her, Winn and James look at each other before walking over to the large group in the middle.

B-"Hey Winn, James."



C-"Where's the ladies gone?"

J-"Um, Alex wasn't feeling well so they went to the bathroom."

As James was talking Winn was giving Thea, Felicity and Iris a look.

I-"Um girls I think we should go and check on them."

T-"What a wonderful idea."

Iris quickly lead the two girls through the crowds and into the bathroom where they saw Kara crying and Alex and Lena hugging her.

F-"Oh no. Please tell me-"

Lena gently shook her head as Thea and Iris went to comfort Kara. After a few minuets, Kara was still silently crying.

A-"We need to get her out of here, she's in no state to stay tonight, I know she's your bridesmaid Iris but she needs rest tonight and she needs to process what has happened."

I-"I know, um Alex and Thea take her out the back door and get her back to the hotel, myself, Lena and Felicity will go back out their and say that you took Alex back because she wasn't feeling well. Do you want one of us to tell Oliver?"

Kara nodded gently as Thea and Alex helped her up off the cold floor. Felicity nodded her head and took a deep breath. Thea and Alex led Kara out of Jitters and back to the hotel. Once in the hotel they got Kara in the hotel the three of them got changed out of their outfits and into comfy clothes, the three of them cuddled up the bed together in a relative silence until Kara spoke up.

K-"What do you think Oliver's gonna do?"

T-"What do you mean?"

K-"Is he gonna be mad that I lost our child?"

T-"Why would you even think that? This isn't your fault Kara, it's just one of those things that happens."

A-"Thea's right it's just the universe's way of telling you that it's not the right time to have a child."

K-"Well if me becoming pregnant was the universe's way of telling me that it was the right time, then taking it away from me is just cruel."

A-"I know."

Kara started to cry again as Alex and Thea just hugged her tighter.

-Back at the Rehearsal Dinner-

Iris, Felicity and Lena all walked back out to the group while putting on fake smile to hide their somber faces.

B-"Hey, everything okay?"

I-"Yeah, Alex has food poisoning so Thea and Kara took her back to the hotel."

O-"So Kara's okay then?"

L-"Um, yeah she's just worried about her sister, you know what the Danvers sisters are like."

Everybody who knew what was going on all laughed lightly before Felicity cleared her throat.

F-"Oliver may I speak with you a moment please?"

O-"Sure." Felicity lead Oliver over to quiet corner of Jitters, she took a deep breathe before talking,

F-"Alex isn't the one who's ill, there's no easy way to tell you this."

O-"Felicity you're worrying me what is going on, it's got you, Thea, Lena, Iris, Kara, Alex, Winn and James all acting weird."

F-"Kara was- Kara was pregnant."


F-"She was gonna tell you tonight."


F-"She's suffering a miscarriage, Alex and Thea took her back to the hotel, she asked me to tell you. I'm so sorry Oliver."

O-"Can you cover for me?"


Oliver smiled and left Jitters and Felicity walked back to the group who were even ore confused where Oliver was going.

C-"Where's Oliver going?"

F-"Thea called and they needed some help with Alex so he's gone to give them a hand." Everybody nodded.

-At The Hotel-

Kara was sat in the bed with Alex hugging her while Thea was pacing up and down as Felicity had texted her telling them Oliver was on his way. Kara's breathing hitched as her super hearing picked up Oliver's heartbeat down the corridor.

K-"He's here." Thea walked to the door, opened it and stepped outside, where Oliver came to a halt.

O-"Speedy, is Kara okay?"

T-"She's as good as can be expected but Oliver there's something you need to know."


T-"She blames herself and she's scared you are going to blame her and be mad at her."

O-"I'm not mad at her or do I blame her."

T-"I know but she thinks she does."

Just then the door opened and Alex stepped out, she gave a somber smile to Oliver before stepping aside,

A-"Let us know if you need anything, we'll see you tomorrow."

Oliver nodded his head and watched the two women walk down the corridor before going inside the room and taking his jacket off and placing it on the chair before walking towards the bed where Kara was sitting with tears in her eyes.

K-"I'm sorry." Oliver got in the bed next to Kara and gathered her in his arms.

O-"What are you sorry for angel?"

K-"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, I'm sorry that I lost our child, I'm sorry that it's all my fault."

O-"Angel, look at me." Kara looks up at Oliver with tears streaming own her face

O-"I don't blame you, it's not your fault and you certainly don't need to blame yourself." Kara nods her head as Oliver places a kiss on her forehead.

O-"I love you."

K-"I love you too."

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