Thinking that, she stared at the side window and looked upon the sky, hoping that this would calm her nervousness even for just a little bit. And when the carriage turned left from its steady path, she found herself staring at the faraway, green hills.

She knew it well whose territory lied beyond that direction, and the thought of it made her wear a little smile on her face. But then, memories that she found unpleasant flashed back into her mind at the same time.

Banishment, followed by getting stripped off her title, as well as the divorcement of her husband. Coincidentally, the punishment that was made by the court had faintly similar features from the disposal of the late Evangeline Cia De Clemente that she killed with her own hands, years ago. To the point that she even doubted whether it was truly a coincidence or not.

But her suspicions were cleared, soon after the declaration of her punishment that was made in a separate day, which also involved the details of her father's atonement; (through having him beheaded in a later date with the confirmation process which proved that the claims of their side were positive).

The Duke confessed it all in a moment, during their final, private conversation.

"It was me, who suggested the banishment through the ears of His Majesty, the Emperor."

Fleurette's doubts were all answered in that one sentence. However, the details as of why the other person proposed such a thing has been proved different from what she has expected.

"Is that so.", she replied as if she cared less and continued.

"It's fascinating to suppose that you have licked your own brother's boots just to take that suggestion of yours for granted."

"......It was nothing much.", he suspiciously answered while averting his gaze.

Seeing this, the red-haired woman couldn't help but look at the Duke with eyes, narrowed.

"You... What on earth-"

"That is none of your business now. Rather, I'd like to make this clear to you.", he went ahead to speak of the main subject as he avoided the chance of leaking the information that concerned the previous topic.

"I am aware that you treasure our son, and of course, I mean no harm to him since he's the sole heir of Shevaria. But you shall suffer great karma from the sins that you've committed to me."

"In the past, you have taken away the ones that I've cherished the most with your schemes. Thus, now, it's your turn to lose your privileges to your dearest one."

"You will regret staining your hands with blood back in the day, through losing the rights of watching over the child that you care for. You, who's once a murderer, are no longer given of the obligation to stay by Lucian Hudde von Shevaria's side, either as a parent..."

"Or as his mother."

Wendell paused briefly before he could phrase his last statement.

"That is my true intention behind your banishment... Fleurette."

The moment the Duke uttered the name of the woman before his sight, with his own mouth, the wind blew gently to make their hairs flutter on mid-air. There, the flashback ends, and the scene goes back into the present time.

Losing her obligation to her own son means that she won't ever have the right to witness the least of his figure from afar, including the association between themselves in different ways. Other than that, she came to be aware of the other reason behind the actions that the Duke has taken, based from the hint he gave her that day.

It was natural for a parent to erase the possible bad influences surrounding his family.

Truth to be told, Fleurette didn't know what kind of face did she make as soon as she heard his words that time. It's just that she surprisingly felt nothing at what he said, although it must've been a bunch of words that would make her chest feel heavy.

She helplessly thought it was strange without any hard feelings in particular, but...


A sweat just fell down the side of her face and dropped itself on her lap. Her focus was drawn by this phenomenon, since it happened all so sudden in the midst of a serious moment of events.

But then, as she looked downwards, she realized that it wasn't a sweat after all. Her vision was the very evidence that could prove the fact that it was what she thought it was.

The haziness of her sight, and the warm feeling surrounding her eyes. Those hints could only lead to one thing.

So that's how it is......

If she were to dive back to her memories throughout the years that she spent as a doll under her father's control, there was not even once a time that she'd end up doing something like what she's doing right now.

"His grace is truly worth the praise.", she murmured to herself with a wavering voice of a kind.

Since Fleurette has entered the noble society known as an Aubetré, she thought that she's already completely erased or set her emotions aside at all times, for the sake of her own survival. However, it seems like that wasn't the case at all. Or perhaps, it has been revived the moment that she was finally freed from the chains that suppressed her for a long time.

She slowly bit her trembling lower lip as if she has permitted herself from letting it all out. And then, being unable to control herself anymore, her mask cracked by itself, bit by bit. Yet without further ado, she threw it away out of impatience.

"Hic...", she firstly let out a tiny sound, coming out from her throat.

And then, in a few seconds, the world seemed so silent. Silent, by means of irony. Or maybe, a small mercy given by the One from above.

Her loud sobbing wouldn't reach one's numbed ears, just as how the coachman pretended not to hear anything coming from the interior of his carriage.

No one saw, or even heard a single thing. That's just how it is.

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Where stories live. Discover now