Happiness Isn't Always Happy

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The weeks went by and by while Niya decided to rethink her decision about college. She wasn't used to leaving her home and going out to the public for a very long time.

she knew that college was the right thing to do for her life, But she didn't wanna get her cover blown because there was a drop on her gang that she was in, and others. She stayed low for all this time, She didn't wanna go college, Yet then again she really wanted to.

Niya paced back and forth throughout the backyard and she worked out and even went to the shooting range to get her mindset through the hard thinking she had going on.

She eventually decided to go back upstairs to her bedroom to go lay down. As she walked up the stairs sweaty, She saw Zarri with an hostage fighting with each other because the hostage didn't wanna go inside the room.

Zarri: Get your monkey ass in the room before i put the gun up your ass hole!

Hostage: Fuck you bitch! I wish you would shoot me!

Zarri: okay bitch fine how about this—

Niya: NO!! Chill out, Remember that's Jungkook's hostage! He needs answers and she had them. So don't kill her, Just throw her inside the room and call it a day.

Zarri: Ughhh! Fine, Guards lock her up!!

*Situation Ends*

Niya made it upstairs to her large bedroom on the second floor. She sat on the bed slowly as she stressed over the fact that she's leaving soon.

Jungkook came in the room seconds later, Jumping on her while kissing and pulling her waist closer to his torso.
Niya wasn't in the mood for any of that, So she continued to push him off until she really got upset and brought out her man voice.

Jungkook: Hey baby come here!

Niya: Babe stop.

Jungkook:Come here!

Niya: Baby Stooopp.

Jungkook: Nahh bab—

Niya: I SAID STOP!!!!
(Deep man voice)

Jungkook jumped back because he never heard her voice get so deep like that before. He could've sworn he just saw a man through her eyes, He slowly got back on the bed looking into her eyes to see a unnatural look that she was giving.

Jungkook: Yo calm down, I was just trying to give you some loving. Damm you wouldn't even let me slide the tip in or nothing. What's good with you?!

Niya: Everyone and everything! Like i don't know about going to college! I might wanna stay home, But then again i might wanna go to college for education purposes. I'm struggling right now! Babe just because i seem happy doesn't mean i really am, Like happiness isn't always happy!

Jungkook: Well you better struggle your happiness isn't always happy ass to college, Because i didn't take out my profit money just to get you into some bum ass college just for you not to go. Even though i don't care about the money because look at who I am, But still do you know what i could've did with all that cash!

You better gather all your feelings and take it to college, If someone fucks with you just kill em and call us up to get the bodies. Simple and easy.

Niya: Nahh son you don't get it! This is a big step for me and shit like that! How would I do in college, You keep forgetting that the FBI got the drop on us.

They out everyday looking for us. No they don't know what we look like, But still one good mess up or slip up and we done! Toasted!

I don't think so, They not about to have me in jail getting booty fucked with a toothbrush by some ugly ass lesbian bitches with cornrows! Nah i don't even swing that way, Especially with no dam toothbrush. If anything i need a real man dick in my pussy!

I'm just stressing about missing you and the gang. What about my sister? How is she gonna do without me?!

Jungkook: Okay one you talk to damm fast! Two let's me honest about Zarri. If she has the essentials like Money, Weed, Guns, Food, Clothes, phones, Wifi, House, TV, Showers,And Dick. She's all good because those are the most important things to her, Besides you though.

Also calm down babe, Me and the gang is gonna be good without you being here, Your sister is in good ass hands and you know this.

Jungkook moves closer to Niya while putting his hand around her waist making her head lay down on his chest.

Jungkook: Honey, You wanted this for a minute, Not for you but for your mom. So go get it done and that's that, We will see you at your graduation babe, Oh and don't worry we will have
your private graduation ceremony here in the house. Oh how does that sound to you?

"Babe I love it" Niya said while looking up at jungkook and kissing his lips with hers. The two ended the conversation on a good note. Let's just say that by 10:00 pm they both were waking up naked heading to the showers.

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