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Zarri decides to go to the bathroom because she had to pee and the toilet in her bathroom in her bedroom was loud, so she went to the bathroom in the hallway so she wouldn't wake up Jimin.

Zarri: OHHH SHIT!!!!

She couldn't believe her eyes and what was right in front of her. Her body face down in the bathtub while water was still running in the tub. Zarri saw her sisters body face down in the water and she wasn't moving, Zarri ran to go get Jungkook and helped Niya.

Jungkook ran straight out of his room into the bathroom to drag Niya out the tub and put her body on the floor. The werid thing about it was that Niya was still fully clothed and she even had on her slippers.

They didn't smell alcohol in her mouth at all. So they really didn't know what it was. Jungkook pushed down hard on Niya's chest 4 times until she coughed up blood and Water.

Jungkook: Niya?! You good!


Zarri: Niya what ??

Jungkook: Clam down before you wake up the others. Now baby girl who's trying to kill you?

Niya: Okay come in my room!! Let's go!

Jungkook, And Zarri followed
Niya into her room and they waited while Niya got herself together. So that she can tell them what's going on.

Niya: Ok so look, Do you guys know the maid Linda?

Both: Yeah?

Linda the maid:

Niya: Ok so last night i was goin through a mental breakdown, and after Jungkook hit me in the face and my legs were hurting

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Niya: Ok so last night i was goin through a mental breakdown, and after Jungkook hit me in the face and my legs were hurting.

I came into my room and took my prescription pain killer pills that Dr, Lee gave me for when i'm in pain because of that gunshot wound.

I then went to sleep, or so i thought. I actually passed out and then when i woke up, I was dizzy and still drowsy. I felt like i was high off of drugs and pills. Then that's when i saw her—

Jungkook: Who!

Niya: Bitch.... Shhh! Anyway i saw and heard Linda come into my room and say this to me.

"Did you take the pills little girl, That's good because those wasn't pills. Those were rat poison treats in the the shape of pills, Now come on and let's drown you bitch ass. So when you die Jungkook is gonna be with me and your not gonna be thought of at all and i will have your spot and your life.

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