Nasty Habits

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12:00 am Friday 22, December

After that drastic night last night. Zarri needed a break from everything that's was going on in that house. So she decided to take a good long nap. The nap was so good that she will never ever forget that nap last night. Therefore last night's nap was different from the rest of her regular naps she's had in the past.

Zarri's Pov~

*Yawns* Oh wow it's snowing outside, damm the sun is low key outside. Dam last night was the best night. Right daddy?.........

Jimin: Yes "my" princess. You was so good last night in bed. I've been watching you ever since you walked in the door. Therefore namjoon just automatically took you, and never gave anyone a chance with you. But now i'm here baby, and ima show you how a real man should treat his queen.

Zarri: Aww Jimin, Your too cute for me. Like a baby mochi.

Jimin: You were great in bed last night!

Zarri: Shit what can i say, I got nasty habits

Jimin: How are you gonna tell everyone....

Zarri: About?

Jimin: Us?

Zarri: Simple..... They gonna find out about us because we are just gonna act normal, and when they do find out.
Their just gonna mind their motherfucking business. See simple and easy.

Jimin: Not gonna lie, your the illest bitch!

Zarri: I know—

The bedroom door of Jimin's room opens in slow motion, while the two sit on the bed with the most shocked look on their faces. On the other side of that door was Niya and Jungkook coming to tell Jimin to come downstairs for the mafia meeting.

But the two were stunned to see Zarri and Jimin in the same bed, literally butt naked (Skin on Skin action)

Jungkook: Oh

Niya: My

Both: God!

Jimin: Oh shit!

Zarri: Yeah my ass is grass!

Niya: ZARRI! What the fuck is you doing!! And Jimin... I always knew you had a thing for my sister.

Zarri: Jungkook & Niya come close the door and shut the fuck up. Shhh

Jungkook: I'm so confused. How did this happen??

Zarri: Last night after all the fights and issues that we went through. I came to Jimin to talk and one thing lead to another, and i was on my back while he was in me all night long. It felt like heaven's gates open up.

Niya: Shorty, you don't have to get into details about how it felt, I mean dam you could've at least waited for some time.

Jungkook: Correct. But the again it's her Virginia!

Niya: I don't give a fuck if it was the holy ghost pussy, that's my little sister. And i don't want her bring passed around this fucking house. Jimin if your gonna be with my sister, then be with her because you love her and not because you "want" to love her.

Jimin: Wow you really know about relationships, don't you?

Niya: Shit i've never had a boyfriend, But i ain't no dummy when it come to relationships and relationship problems.

Zarri: She ain't lying.

Jungkook: Wait you never dated no one before?

Niya: Never did... And never will.

Jungkook: Oh ok.

Zarri: Well anyways can y'all get out because we need to get dress.

Niya: Yeahh no, your lying! We're gonna leave, but say "Can you guys please leave so me and Jimin could finish fucking and then get dress". Zarri i'm not dumb your my sister, i taught you these ways dummy!

Zarri: You right. Now leave!

Jungkook: Niya let's go now!!!

Niya: Ok Jungkook, Also dam you smell good as hell. Hey Jungkook what you got on?

Jungkook: Don't worry about sweetheart.. Don't worry sweetheart.

Zarri: lol, you need to stay off of tiktok.

*Niya & Jungkook leaves the room*

Zarri: let's get ready jimin.

Jimin: So we are gonna take it slow ok, let's not rush into this. You just got out of a relationship with namjoon and I don't want you to get attached or feel like i'm using you. Okay?

Zarri: Got it, but best believe if i do catch feelings. Then it's over your mines for good.

Jimin: Okay baby!

The two decided to make love for about 10 more minutes before getting up and getting ready to go. Zarri couldn't really walk but she had to get up and get dress for the meeting that the rest of the house hold was about to have.

(Psa: It's around christmas time in the story)

Time Skip To The Meeting

Everyone walks downstairs to a serious Suga and Jungkook standing at the dining table with papers in their hands.

Jungkook: Everyone sit down because we have events that coming up. So as some of you may know christmas and New Year's is coming up, And this is around the time where we relax and enjoy the holiday time.

Zarri: OH SHIT!!! All i hear is gifts!

Jungkook: Now Zarri calm down. Yes in fact that we will get gifts for each other and we chill and relax. Therefore the way how we spend christmas is different from regular people.

Niya: How though??

Jungkook: Well we don't do decorations,christmas tree, nor music. We do buy gifts and wrap them up while the maids set up the area in the big corner over there for the gifts.

We are mafia kings, not pussy pink females.

Don't think our christmas is boring or scary because it's really not, We just don't feel like celebrating big this year. We are just gonna relax this year. Okay?

Niya: Yeah we got it!

Zarri: And whats wrong with being a pussy pink female? My grandmother always told me, "That a pink pussy is the best and that means it's clean".

So if y'all like your females with blue pussy's, Then y'all are straight nasty!

V: That's not what he— Oh nevermind

Jungkook: Suga close out the meeting for me!

Suga: Alright girls and gang members, that was it and this is the end of the meeting. It was nice talking to you guys

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