Running From the 𝒫ain

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It's been 5 days since Niya and Jungkook had talked to each other since that night of their falling out between the two.

Everyone in the house was happy and had great vibes with each other except for namjoon and zarri obviously. Meanwhile Jungkook wouldn't want to be in the same room as niya nor did she, They avoided each other until it was time for meetings and missions together.

Jungkook sat in his room working on the next mission, when he got a sudden knock at his door and decided to let the person in.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Jungkook: Come in!!

*Door opens*

Zarri: Wassup bitch we need to talk!

Jungkook: Oh my god why are you so loud in my ear! Like don't you have things to do, like go shoot someone or practice your shooting.

Zarri: True! But my aim is already perfect, may i try it on you?

Jungkook: You wouldn't!

Zarri: Never say never bitch. But seriously we need to talk about something.

Jungkook: What is it?

Zarri: Niya.....

Jungkook:   ............

Zarri: Hello?

Jungkook: What about that lying evil bitch?

Zarri: Watch it now! No but seriously i came in here to talk to you, about you guys that night, i never really got the full story on what happened.

She didn't wanna answer her phone nor text messages when i try to contact her. She sits in her room all day long and text the maid when she's out of food or when she needs something, What happened that night when me and jimin was standing outside the bedroom door?

Jungkook: Long story short i purposed to niya and i asked her to be my wife, she started to act crazy and started backing up saying "no no no". So she ran off in her room and i ran after her, i wanted to make sure she was okay and safe.

So then that's when she started telling me about how she doesn't feel the same way and so i got mad and i told her off about the night me and her had sex and how she wasn't complaining about it then. So why complain now?

Zarri: Jungkook why would you say that to her? Yes i get it she can be a bitch sometimes..... Okay maybe all the time, but she is a human just like us too who has feelings too!

Jungkook: Of course you could talk about feelings. Your so tangled up in Jimin's love that you don't even talk to your sister when she's going through pain.

Zarri: Now you know damm well there's a lot of things
that i play about. Now when it comes to me and my sisters relationship i don't give to fucks about anything.

Don't talk about our relationship when you can even keep one. I'm gonna be honest she loves you and her heart is aching for you, but she's in a state right now where she's just "Running From The Pain".

Jungkook: Why is she running? Why can't she just come to me and talk? SHE IS NOT A FUCKING LITTLE GIRL, SHE SHOULD COME AND TALK TO ME!

Zarri: See.. That's the reason i couldn't talk to namjoon about me and him. That's why i just left him and never looked back. You men walk around with all this pride on this high horse, Not realizing how that affects woman and people in general.

She's not scared of you at all trust me on that, She just doesn't wanna keep having to argue with you to get her point across. Think about it, every time you two argue, who is always right and who is always in the wrong. You put her in the wrong and make yourself right, and shit don't go that way in life.

You like her and she likes you and that's that. You guys need to grow up and stop being fucking babies! Therefore you owe her an apology and so do she! Simple, and if you don't apologize that's fine, but you can't get mad when she starts to wild out again and starts dressing sexy for other dudes and herself.

Jungkook: Damm for a small girl that is only 5'4, you sure enough know how to talk really loud for no reason. But you did make some valid points there, I'll talk to her when i'm ready. Not when she's ready because i ain't no bitch and i move when i move.

Zarri: Good! Now see you later you Slim jim looking bitch!

Zarri left Jungkook's room with some hope that jungkook would talk to niya and try to work things out between the two.

Meanwhile Jungkook wasn't gonna talk to niya until he was ready because he had a bad boy game set up in his head, that he thought would get niya to come running back to him.

But little did he know she knows how to play that game right back a little to well.

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