Seeing Red

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This chapter is short. It's just an add on to the last chapter!

Niya ran straight out the house while running through the wind like a wild wolf in the night, she keep running while her thick afro hair was flowing and her she laces we're getting dirty by being untied. She knew this wasn't the way to handle her problems but she did it anyway so that she could get away from why just happened back there, As she continued to run she noticed that she ran into a a dead end road. There were no cars no nothing, she dropped to her knees while banging her hand against the ground till her knuckles bleed. She started to scream crazy words to the sky until she heard footsteps coming towards her and she immediately stopped and turned around, only to see a tall Jungkook with an unease facial expression.

Niya: Yoo deadass, back up. I don't want you near me.

Jungkook: Bitch please if i wanted to get any closer I will.

Niya: Your mama a bitch.... A self made bitch who made a mini bitch named Jungkook.

Jungkook: You see how you act? You could've been treated so much better but instead you decided to act like the bitch that you are and you decide to be a mean bitch. We could've had something like Zarri and Namjoon. But your such a mean bitch, yeah I can't lie your pussy was good. Therefore it was never all that to be talking about.

Niya: Bitch are you fucking dumb? Are you fucking dumb? Are you fucking dumb? This pussy talk english, Spanish, and french. Shit this pussy also talk I had you crying for your mama that night.

Jungkook: Listen don't make me kill you! I will put a bullet through your neck!

*Niya Steps closer to Jungkook*

Niya: Do it!

Jungkook: H— Huh?? This bitch is crazy??

Niya: YAAA!!! Do it ! I can take it!

Jungkook: Guards cuff her up and take her back to the house.

When Niya walked up to Jungkook and dared him to pull the trigger he didn't. She was stuck on why he didn't, she wasn't afraid of dying, well in that moment. The guards took her in the black jeep wagon and brought her back to the house where everyone else was. Jungkook was also stuck on why he didn't pull the trigger because his heart is so cold that he wouldn't care if it's a female or male, he would've been pulled that trigger.

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