Start from the beginning

His hands were inside his pockets, hair tousled and jaw clenched. He seem to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. You can feel his annoyance, but what's new? Draco Malfoy is always annoyed.

She scan him, and their eyes met as he walks over the Slytherin row. His gaze was icy cold, and it narrowed at Annalise's direction.

She look back onto her plate immediately when he'd sat down.

"Oh look there's Dean Thomas!" Luna chimed and wave a hand over at Dean who just also entered the Great Hall.

"How about we ask him to join us? Afterall we need to ask him about Quidditch" Ron suggested, his mouth's filled with cinnamon tart causing Hermione to hit his arm and tell him to eat properly.

No No No No

Annalise watch in alert, as everyone agreed with Ron.

If they find out she's been flirting with Ginny's ex-boyfriend there might be some consequences, which is their friendship. What more if they find out she wanted to hook up with Dean during that senior night party.

No No No No

Annalise recalled she had unintentionally ditch him yesterday, she was suppose to meet him in the pitch and play Football. That only make things worse.

No No No No

"Dean!" Ginny called him out, and immediately he stop in his tracks and his charming smile widened when he saw Annalise. "Join us"

Don't come here

Don't join us

Please don't

No No No

Annalise internally screamed when Luna scooted over and Dean sat next to her. She can smell his scent, but this time it wasn't oak wood and scotch, she had a whiff of his fruity and flower scent.

"Dean" Ginny flatly said his name, as though they've never talked before. Whereas Harry was beaming next to Ginny, he had a feigned smile across his lips, looking like a flummoxed specky frog.

"Ginny" he mimicked her tone of voice before shotting Harry a smile. "So, it feels quite weird to be sitting next to all of you here, I'm usually with Seamus and Neville" he started pilling his plate with pastries.

Annalise sat in silence, her head bent down and her shoulder slumped. She grab her robes and cover it more about her as she listened.

"I haven't seen Seamus lately" Harry started, his hand was interlocked with Ginny's below the table. "Is he okay?"

Dean shook his head "He's been hit with a stinging hex at the back of his leg and a knee-reversal jinx right after ― it was nasty. Pomfrey said he will be released from the hospital wing tomorrow, but I'll check up on him later"

Hermione leaned in towards the table, she and Ron were sitting next to Harry and Ginny, across from Annalise, Dean and Luna. Her face scrunched up. "Knee-reversal jinx? That could get a student almost expelled, who would've conjured it?"

"No idea" Dean answered "He was studying near the library when it happened, and it was so quick he had no time checking about the students that were around"

Everything went quiet, they were all awkwardly giving each other nods, not knowing what to say anymore. It seem to Annalise that they forgot to ask him about Quidditch and so she opened up.

"Erm ― Dean" she cleared her throat and Dean snap his head at her, giving her a jovial grin. "They have a little problem regarding the House Team's Seeker ― you see, Harry doesn't wanna play anymore, he wants to rest ―"

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now