I turned the package over and looked at the back. It claimed to give a 'pregnant' result as fast as 1 minute when testing from the day of your missed period. So we had to wait and see if Cami misses a period first?

I pulled out my phone and went onto the NHS website to check if waiting was required or if you could do it anytime. According to the website you could take a pregnancy test before you missed a period and as early as eight days after conception.

Satisfied with the answer, I went to checkout and texted Cami letting her know where I would be parked. Now I had to come up with an idea of how to bring this up to Cami without her freaking out. Not disclosing this information wouldn't work, it's not like I could ask her to give me her pee.

I was thinking of possible ideas when Cami got into the car, shrugging her bag off her shoulder and putting her seatbelt on while she mumbled a greeting.

I knew exactly what would help with this.

"So should we have Nando's today?"


After stuffing our faces with peri chicken and chips we got some McFlurry from McDonald's and headed home. Cami was in such a good mood that I felt incredibly bad for bringing up the possibility that she may be pregnant with her dead rapist's baby.

As we drove back, she spoke about her day in college, what her friends were getting up to over the half term and how excited she was about going to Italy. She was slowly returning back to her old self and I felt guilty knowing I was about to ruin her good mood.

I opened my bag and pulled out the pregnancy tests which caused Cami to look at me in confusion.

"Nala are you pregnant?" Cami gasped, her eyes widening in shock.

"No, I'm not pregnant." I paused for a bit unsure of how to continue. "So you know Jackson?"

Cami nodded so I continued. "Well I was asking him about Werewolves and why the Alpha could have been sniffing you and don't freak out but he said it could be that you were around his mate or that your...I'm not saying you are so please don't panic but it could be because...you need to take a pregnancy test!"

Cami looked like she was about to pass out. "What?"

"I'm not saying you are pregnant but lets just check to make sure."

Cami burst into tears. "I can't be pregnant! No, this can't happen. When will this end?"

I tried my best to soothe her explaining that she probably wasn't pregnant but it would be a good idea to find out. My knowledge on werewolf biology and pregnancy is limited, I don't know if they would develop at the same rate as normal babies or if it would be different. What kind of complications would there be? It would be best to find out now rather than later.

It took a while to calm Cami down, she was petrified and rightly so. Once she did calm down we went into the upstairs bathroom to take the test. If Cami was pregnant she would have a choice to make, I knew what I would do if I was in her situation but I didn't want to influence her decision in any way. If she was pregnant it wasn't her choice but she would have a choice on what to do. Her choice with no input from anyone else. This could provide her with some sort of control again.

Ignoring the three messages from Jackson, I put the timer on my phone. Even though it said one minute for a positive result it would take longer for a negative result so I put the timer on for four minutes. Those few minutes felt like hours, we both watched the timer in silence, praying it would say negative.

Ours gaze moved from the timer to each other once the alarm went off. Cami looked at me and shook her head. I knew she wanted me to check so I grabbed the pregnancy test and looked at it.

"What does it say?" Cami whispered, closing her eyes.

I let out a sigh of relief as I saw the result. "You're not pregnant. Thank God."

Cami gave me a weak smile. "I don't know what I would have done if I was."

Shaking my head, I held my wrapped my arms around her. "Doesn't matter now anyway. We're going to be fine."

"I hope so." She mumbled into my ear, her tight grip becoming slightly uncomfortable.

I pulled away from her and turned towards the sink so I could wash my hands. "Time to celebrate, lets order some dessert."

"We just had some!"

"That was a tiny ice cream. I'm talking about cookie dough or waffle."

"Hey is that why we went to Nando's? Because you thought I was pregnant?"

I looked at her unapologetically. "Maybe. I'm going to change into my pjs, why don't you put the telly on?"

Cami agreed and headed downstairs while I went into my bedroom. I quickly changed into my pjs and texted Jackson back. I briefly made up an excuse and told him I would explain next time I saw him which obviously was a lie.

"I want both so should we get one of each and share it?" I called out to Cami as I came down the stairs. There was no response so I called out louder. "Cami! Did you hear me?"

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Cami standing there staring at a piece of paper. "What's that?" I asked her as I came closer.

Without looking at me Cami handed the paper over, her hands trembling badly.

I turned the paper and looked at the words written in black.

I know what you did.


A/N: I hope you guys are liking the story so far, let me know what you think is going to happen next!

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments and votes. I really appreciate your support. 

I'll be uploading again next week. 

Thank you for reading!

-Kayy xx

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