|Fill In The Blanks|

Start from the beginning

I shake my head again my eyes water. "You tellin' me she don't remember me either. Us?" I say referring to me and her.

He sighs. "Far as she's concerned she's still a virgin and has never had a boyfriend."

"Man fuck!" I yell punching the wall causing people around me to look. My fist aches and I can't control my anger right now. How the fuck could he be so reckless? If he wasn't already dead I'd kill him myself.

"You care about my niece right?" Issac questions.

I nod. "More than anything." I hold my hand trying to calm down.

"Then you gotta be strong for her son. If this shit too much for you then you can just go home but if you really care about her then she needs you right now."

"Needs me?" I cock my head back looking at him like he's crazy. "Issac she doesn't even remember me."

"And she won't if you sit around avoiding her." I look behind him back at the hospital. I don't know if I can do this. I hope and pray that I can.

• • • •

"Oh hi," her voice is soft and not harsh like it once was. "It's you again."

I nod looking over at Issac and Naomi who motion for me to take a seat by her. I walk over hesitantly sitting in the chair by her hospital bed. "Yeah it's uh...it's me again." I reply.

"What's your..." she winces looking up at the ceiling it's as if every time she speaks it hurts. "Name." She breathes out.

My eyes water at the sound of that and I almost wonder if she's serious or not. It's hard to believe that she doesn't remember me. Remember us being together, remember her leaving me, remember her dawging me in the car. "Torin."

"Torin what?" She questions.

"What?" I ask getting confused.

She giggles. "Last name silly." Suddenly her laughing dies down and her face twists in pain. I stand up instantly as if I could do something to help but I know I can't.

"It's uh...Truman. Torin Truman." It feels so awkward telling her this. I'm on the verge of tears and she doesn't even notice. I haven't cried in months. Not since the day she left me. But this was enough to bring me to tears. Tahani is always enough to bring me to tears.

"My names Tahani Lowars. That's my aunt." She motions to Naomi. She looks away shyly similar to the first time I'd met her.

I nod giving her a small smile I wipe the tear before it can go all the way down my cheek. I look over at Naomi. "I heard." I whisper.

"Is this the man that's supposed to take care of me when I get out?" She asks her aunt.

I speak before Naomi can. "Yeah I am." I say earning a mug from Naomi.

"Let me speak to you real quick." I actually saw that coming standing up I tell Tahani I'll be right back and follow Naomi into the hall.

"What are you thinking? Do you realize how serious this is? She's going to need you around her full time and she doesn't even remember you."

I nod. "I know. Right now I might not be what she needs but she's what I need. And I won't be able to sleep at night knowing what she's going thru."

"What is it going to solve?" She questions.

"Maybe this is my fresh start, our fresh start. I can treat her better and protect her this time." I say confidently with faith in my voice.

"What if she remembers huh? Then what?" She continues to throw questions at me.

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