apollo was a little hesitate at first, but he pushed down his fears, it was his job to serve justice and truth

'Well, of course, I mean you, Ms. Tiala'

he cried out, alita eyes widen as she put one hand on her chest in shock

'...! M-Me...? But why...'

apollo semi-glared into her eyes

'You were quite clear when you told the court: You heard about the pistol from the defendant on the day of the murder. In other words, you knew what he was planning'


klavier slammed his head on the wall 

'Let me get this straight... You intend to tell us that this lady stole the pistol from her fiancé... ...and killed a man in cold blood on his behalf? I've heard of people doing strange things for love, but this...'

he pointed out, the judge had to nod in agreement

'It does seem a bit... unfathomable, to be sure. I'm all for romance, and for supporting your partner in life, to be sure. But I think I would hesitate at murder!'

"I'd hope you'd do more than hesitate!"

apollo thought to himself before he spoke up

'But what if a different connection could be proven? A connection between the witness and the victim? We might find that she had a personal motive beyond wanting to help her fiancé'

klavier took that in

'Hmm, that would put things in a slightly different light. What possible connection are you suggesting here?'

he asked, just then turcy casually chimed in

'You know what I'm starting to think? I'm starting to think that the police never looked inside that safe'

she guessed, her father did always tell her some cops just weren't good at their jobs, and often missed a lot of details, apollo took her words into consideration, then it hit her, the sandals!!, of course!!

'I have evidence showing a connection between the witness Ms. Tiala and the victim!'

he said, as he took out the sandals from his bag, the judge cocked his head to the side in confusion, studying the evidence

'Why, those are... flip flops?'

'"Sandals", actually. Ms. Tiala, do these look familiar to you?'

he asked, alita acted as though she never saw them

'...Should they?'

was all she said, apollo gave her a knowing look

'I would think so. These sandals were found in the Meraktis Clinic lobby'

he insisted, the judge looked down at him surprised

'You don't mean to say those are the witness's sandals?'

alita started to sweat a little nervously

'He doesn't. Those sandals could belong to anyone...'


apollo yelled as he slammed down his fists o the bench

'But the fact is that they don't. They belong to you. We found toe prints on these sandals'

her eyes widened

'Requesting permission to match the prints with the witness's feet, Your Honor!'

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