'I do. This could be from the car that hit Victim Mr Wright was talking about!'

'Wow, and he took off its mirror? I never knew the victim was so strong. I only have room in my pocket for one of these, though. Which do you want to take?'

apollo thought long and hard on this, ...his instics told him to take the mirror, so he waged his luck on that, at this point, they had no other choice, since their was nobody else to talk to, the plum lady was their best shot, apollo sighed as he held back a shudder when they went back to the lady to ask her more questions

'...Can I ask you a question?'


apollo took in a deep breathe and asked

'...What happened in the park across the street?'

'Oh, yes, quite the commotion. "Chicago Lightning", as the Boss would say'

'Chicago... huh?'

trucy muttered

'Gunfire. Someone was killed. Strange circumstances, too'

apollo gawked at her

'You're kidding!'

'What a morning! Trouble everywhere. The park, the gate, even our house...'

'Did something happen at your house, too?'

she asked, plum uncapped her weapon and as she frowned 

'A crime without honor! Without remorse! It's a private matter... Wanna hear about it?'

trucy whispered to apollo's ear

'Somehow I don't think "no" is an acceptable answer, Polly'

phoenix braced himself for the worst as as he asked to hear more about this

'So... what happened at your house?'

'Bloomers. Last night'

 "I got a bad feeling about this..."

and he was right to

'Me, Little Plum Kitaki, the victim of a panty-snatcher!'

trucy's eyes widen in shock as she cried out

'Whaaaaaaat? So it wasn't just my panties that were stolen!?'

plum narrowed her eyes at trucy now, and sympathized with her

'Got you too, did they? Poor thing. Like I said, whoever did this is a hardened criminal. It wasn't you, was it!?'

she asked in a warning tone, apollo held up his hands in defense

'N-No! Of course not! Mercy!'

plum saw the honestly in his voice and expression, and went on with what she was saying before

'I've heard word that panties have been disappearing lately. ...And the missing panties all have something in common'

"It's hard to imagine Trucy's and Mrs. Kitaki's panties having much in common... I just imagined Mrs. Kitaki's panties..."

before apollo could even speak, trucy spoke up with such determation and courge

'I know! We'll find your bloomers, too!'

plum grinned engouringly

'Great! Show me what you're made of'

"What have you gotten me into this time, Trucy?"

apollo thought to himself nervously, before they could ask anymore questions, the same woman from before walked up to them, but more-so towards little plum

"...That girl from before!"

Plum smiled as she greeted her warmly

'Oh! Welcome home, sweetie'

'Ah, uh... hello, m-mother'

she greeted back, apollo was very surprised by this

"She's a Kitaki, too!?"

Trucy took her chances and called out for her attention politely

'Uh, um, Miss! Miss!'

the woman looked over at him, just then trucy haded her a business card

'Here, our business card'

the woman examined it closely as she read it out-aloud

'Wright and Co Law office's...?'

apollo eyes widen in shock

'L-Law office's?!'

'Yeah! Do you like the new business card?, So, um, this is our defense attorney, Mr. Apollo Justice!, my daddy is also an attorney but he's taking time off'


she thought very thoughtfully, trucy smiled warmly at her

'Drop by our office! We'll be waiting!'

'Ah... Good-bye'

and with that, she walked away, apollo quickly took her aside and cried out

'Why did you give her our business card?'

she shrugged

'I dunno. She seemed like she could use some help'

'She's the heiress to a gangster dynasty! She doesn't need our help!'

trucy however, had her doubts on that

'...I wouldn't be so sure!'

apollo sighed as he didn't want to fight with her on this anymore, ..their was nothing else they could even do here, so they decided to go to the scene of the stand theft

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