32. Rethink

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We continue to walk back to my place, to gather all my things. We sauntered through the halls, getting glances here and there, as we rush there hastily.
He helps me fold my clothes, and he asks "So, when exactly is your birthday?"

"Oh it's August 27th, why?" I reply as I open my drawers.

"No reason at all, but it is in like a week, should've told me sooner." He exclaims as he refolds my clothing to his liking.

"Didn't think it was important. Well then, yours?" I ask as I glance at him.

"December 25th." He says, in a low, monotone voice.

"Lucky day!" I say, now knowing his birthday was exactly on Christmas.

We sit in silence awkwardly for a minute, until I see him go through my top drawer.
I watch him as lays his hand on lingerie I had never even worn before.
He grabs onto both sides,
"Well, well, well! You should definitely wear these for me sometime." He said with a devious smirk appearing on his face.
My eyes open wide and my cheeks get pink as I snatch them rapidly from his hands.
"Oh, shut up. Maybe one day." I say, as I stuff then underneath the rest of the clothes in my suitcase.

Before I realized, my suitcase was full and my drawers were just about empty. I had checked in my bathroom and put everything I couldn't fit in there, into my small bag.

"So, I'm really doing this." I say, as I exhale deeply.

"You are, and I'm glad you are. Just a few rules before you stay, I made a list."
He then reaches into his back pocket and snatched a neatly folded, piece of lined paper. It read:

1. The room will stay clean. If anything breaks or spills, whoever did that action cleans it.
2. No answering the door for anyone, without notifying me, but if I give permission, ask for their name and business.
3. Don't let filthy looking people in.

"Well, those are some rules." I say with a laugh, as I fold it up and hand it back to him.
He looks at me with a serious face.
"But, I will follow them." I mention as I grab my bag and suitcase. I say goodbye to my empty, plain room and we stroll back down the hallway. The door was left wide open, to let people know it was a vacant room.
I walk past everyone and get glares, just to see girls with jealous facial expressions, whispering with eachother, like I did something wrong. I watch as Levi locks his eyes onto some people looking, his stare cold as ice.
He then wraps his arm tightly around me and a grin appears upon my face.
We make it throughout the hall, and to the door to his room.
I open the door and sigh, now knowing I technically live here now.
I throw my suitcase and bag right onto the floor without care, and I jump right onto Levi as he follows me into the room.

"Watch it." He says with a stern voice as I detach myself from his body.

"Harsh much" I reply as I grab my suitcase from the floor and slide it beside his dresser.

"Sorry you just caught me by surprise." He says, as he walks away to go sit down at his desk.

I had gotten tired really fast, from the day of travelling.
So, I decided to take off my gear, leave it on top of my suitcase, and go take a nap in his bed, well, now our bed.
I jumped on to the bed and shoved my head into the pillow.

"I'm going to sleep." I said, muffled as it was right into the pillow.
I could feel his eyes on me, without even looking at him.

I hear him groan, as I hear quiet footsteps walking slowly towards me. I then feel pressure on the side of my head, and it was his lips pressing against my skin. I turned to side to look at his precious face. He then moves his lips to my nose, and climbs onto the bed, sitting behind me. He fondled my hair with his hand softly, as my eyes begin close mildly, falling asleep.


I awaken to the sound and movement of the bedsheets shifting around me.
There was a loud, rhythmic knock on the door.
"Name and business." I hear Levi's stern voice shout.

I squinted my eyes, so he didn't know I was awake quite yet. I was still tired, so keeping them open slightly was a problem for me.

I tried to listen, as I hear a faint, girly voice behind the door. I managed to hear
"Corporal, sir. Come out here please."
I watched Levi walk to the door, as he glanced at me, checking if I was awake yet
or not, so I quickly shut my eyes to not seem suspicious.
I reopened them soon after, to see him standing at the door, with a hand on his shoulder. I watched as the woman slowly made her way into the room, closing the door softly behind her.
I didn't recognize her, but she had light, ash brown hair, but more white. Her hair was wavy, with bangs. She looked like such a nice person.

I saw as he took another glance at me to check if I was awake, so I closed them enough to see what was going on but they weren't too open so he could tell.
I felt bad to be spying on his conversation, but I was curious.

Levi sat right back down on his desk, as this mysterious girl, leaned really closely towards him on the desk.
Like, really close, it made me uncomfortable.
I watch as she gets close to his ear and whispers something, as they both start to whisper back and forth.
She says something to him once again and I see him smile.
At this point, I was getting worried, as I had no idea what was even happening.

Levi's voice than starts to get louder, and I hear him say,
"Oh?" He then goes extremely close to her ear once more. His voice was quiet, but loud enough from me to hear from his bed on the other side of the room.
"Would you be," He says, followed by inaudible words, finishing off with "...my girlfriend." Is what I was able to hear come out his mouth.

My heart sank completely to my stomach.
Was that a coincidence to only hear those words? It couldn't have been, I mean, what else could you even say with those?

I see her squirm as she leans futher across the table.
"Really? Me? Of course!" I hear her say with excitement in her voice.

This just completely proved my point. He was choosing another girl over me, as I was in the room, he was completely oblivious.

"Quiet down, she could wake up and hear you." He replies with a low toned voice.

I zone out thoroughly into my thoughts.
I don't know what just happened.
I don't know if this was all just a big joke that I wasn't apart of.
I don't know why he said he loved me, if this showed that he didn't mean it all.
I don't know why I got myself in this situation in the first place if I was just gonna end up getting hurt.
I don't know why he lied to me about it all, especially in the shower.

"[Y/N], I love you more than words can explain." Is what I replayed in my head.

"I'll see you then!" The girl exclaims with a large smile.

I watched as Levi smiled wide, doing one of those, 'SCORE' movements with his arms, like he just won a game.

I heard the door shut, and I turned my body around the other way, facing the wall. I wanted him to just think I shifted my way around in my sleep, but it really being I heard his whole conversation.
I didn't wanna think about all of this, all I wanted was to be happy, with him. I guess I could be, I just haven't found the right person.

I closed my eyes fully, as I let a tear fall and dampen the sheets below.

We could've had everything.

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