18. Dinner

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Everyones faces look shocked when we came in, and Levi went all straight faced.
He then walked us towards our table, and pulled out my chair for me to sit down.

What a gentleman..

I then took off my jacket, and wrapped it around my chair.
"[Y/N], I can't stop looking at you, you look absolutely stunning this evening." Levi said.
My cheeks started to turn red really fast.
"Thank you," I said nervously smiling and scratching my neck, "You do aswell. Oh well I- I mean handsome, of course."

That's embarrassing.

He let out a small giggle, "You're adorable" He said, leaning his elbow on on the table.

"Are you two ready to order drinks?" The waiter said, as he approached us.

"I'll have a glass of merlot red wine please" Levi said.
"And you, miss?"

"Just water, please." I said

"Okay coming right up!" said the waiter as he left our table.

"Im surprised you didn't order any alcohol, I feel like you would be one to drink it." Levi said.

"I mean, I do sometimes, but I prefer water over it honestly." I replied

"Ahh, ok"

The drinks arrived and we said thank you, "Cheers?" Levi asked, and I clinked my glass with his, and took a large sip.

"So Levi, I wanted to ask you, what made me catch your attention in the first place anyway?" I said, then taking a sip.

"Well, ever since I saw you first training in the military, I thought "Wow, she's gorgeous" And since then, I always wanted to make my move on you. You had really flowy hair, and your smile glistened in the sun, but your eyes were the prettiest. I swear, I have always seen them sparkle. When you decided to join the Survey Corps, I knew I had the chance to finally get to know you, and make my move. I'm so grateful you're here now." Levi said.

"Oh my, ever since military? But there were so many other pretty girls with flowing hair and sparkling eyes, why me out of everyone?" I said.

"[Y/N], you are the prettiest girl I have ever encountered, in my life. There is no one, that I could say is prettier than you. You're also so nice and funny, you were my favourite option."

"Aww, you guys are adorable." says the older woman sitting next to us.

I smiled at her and turned back to look at Levi.
"Now tell me," he said, "what made you fall for me? I am quite a few years older than you, and you probably thought it was weird."

"Well at first, yeah, I thought it was a bit weird, and I always thought of you as such a boring and mean person,"
I saw him frown.
"But but BUT, then I got to know you, and you are incredibly strong, funny, nice, sweet, and adorable. Not boring at all. Maybe still a bit mean but thats oart of your whole character. But, that day in the lake when you kissed me, was one of the best days in my life." I said.

He laughed a bit, and said "Well, thank you for being here with me, right now" he said.
He reaches his hand across the table and grabs onto mine, squeezing it tight.
He looks into my eyes and smiles.

"Oh oh, sorry to interrupt love-birds, but I'm willing to take your orders now, if you guys are ready." the waiter says.

"Y/n, you first. Oh and don't worry about the cost, I got this covered and I have lots of money to spend, on you specifically"
Levi said.

"Aha, okay, well thank you, and I'll have the sirloin steak with a side of a salad please." I said, handing the menu over to the waiter.
"And for you sir?"

"I'll get the uhh, lobster please"

"Fine choices, I'll return with your orders when they are finished." The waiter says, smiling afterwards.

25 minutes have passed, and we have had small conversations about what we like and dislike, and things like that.
Our dinner arrives, and I take a small bite. I pat my mouth my napkin to say "Oh wow, this is really good!"

Levi swallows and replies "Well of course it is, it's expensive it has to be." He then grabs his fork, picks up a piece of his food and moves his fork towards me, offering it.
"Well thank you" I said, while looking at him and biting it off the fork.
I cover my mouth and say "Really good, wow. Do you want any of mine?" I asked Levi."

"Oh I'm fine, thank you, I've had it before." He said, taking a small
bite of his food.

"So, I'm guessing you have taken other girls here?" I asked.

"No, this place feels special to me, that's why I brought you here. This was the last place I ate dinner with one of my close comrades."

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Levi. But bringing me here means a lot, thank you" I remarked.

oh, captain. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now