26. Expected

471 10 10

I regain consciousness to the sound of beeping, it was a quiet noise. I heard faint voices, 2 men, and futher back 1 man and 2 women.
I open my eyes, to find myself in a white room, surrounded machines.

My stomach was aching.

"[Y/N], you're awake!" Jean whispered.

"Hi" I replied back, with a raspy voice.

I see his and Connie's face looking down at me smiling.

"We were so worried about you." Connie said quietly.
"They also did surgery on you, with your parents consent. The damage was so bad, they didn't think you could make it."
Jean added, and I could see his eyes start to tear up.

"Well it's okay, I'm perfectly fine you see." I said with a dry throat, as I lifted my hand up to Jeans arm and rested it there.

I had thought I was a goner at that point, that my whole life was going to flash before my eyes. I think about how I'm actually sitting here, and take a look over to my left, and I see Levi with a newspaper in his hand, but he kept his gaze on me. I rest my hand down from Jean's face, as I watch Levi place the paper down and rush over here.

"Hey, you're finally up. Move bastards." He says pushing, Connie and Jean out of his way, and placing his hand on my cheek and giving me multiple kisses. His face showed little to no expression at all time, but he actually looked, worried.

I daintily smile at him, as I embrace his presence. While I glance at him, I notice familiar faces right behind him.

"Mom? Dad?" I sit up speedily to focus on them better. A jolt of pain impacted my stomach immediately.

"Take it easy," Levi said calmly. He then backs away as my mom and dad come forward.

"Oh, baby, my poor girl!" My mom wails out to me, as she hugs me hard, kissing my forehead.
"Ouch mom, that hurt." I said with a little laugh.

Jeez, now laughing hurts, this is gonna suck for awhile.

"My little girl! I'm so glad you're awake! We missed you for these past weeks and I'm so sorry this happened to you. We love you darling." My dad said, with a small little smile on his face.

I missed my parents a lot, I've just been by myself in the room I was assigned, for years now.

"Now, hun, who's this fine young man here? I haven't seen him before, but I do remember Connie and Jean." My mom says, with a questionable expression.

I say "Oh, well that's my-"
"Boyfriend." Levi cuts me off.

I looked at him with awe, smiling and said

"Aw how adorable! My sweetie is all grown up!" My dad said as he grasped my head and messed my hair up.

"Dad, you're embarrassing me, but I've been grown up, I'm in the Survey Corps how could I not be-"

"The..Survey Corps? You mean the people that go outside of the wall? The people who fight all of the titans out there? Why, why did you join them? Why didn't you tell me?" My mom interrupted, panicking. I could see a faint glimmer in her eyes, she had always been so protective over me.

"Mom, remember when I wanted to be a superhero when I was young? Yeah, this is just like it. I want save everyone and the world, and this will be my way of doing so. I'm sorry if I disappoint you but it was my decision."

"Oh yes, I undertstand well, of course, just stay safe my love. But your dad and I have to get going. We can't leave your little brother, all alone."
My mom continued.

"Why didn't he come to see me? I really miss him."

"He..isn't feeling very well." my dad says.

"Oh, well tell him I love him and miss him very much. And mom, dad, I love you and I'll miss you. I'll see you around!"

I give them a hug and a kiss, as I watch them walk through the doors. I could even tell by facing away from them that they were disappointed in my decision. They wanted me to work for the MP, but I never had that option.

I look away as the door shuts peacefully, and Connie and Jean jolt right back to me.

"That seemed, kind of harsh." Jean stated, raising an eyebrow.

"I.. was just telling her how I can make my own decisions since I'm an adult now, so I can do that" I added.

"True, but anyway, how're you feeling? You were out for a good 17-18 hours. We stayed here the whole time, including Levi." Connie mentioned, letting out a loud yawn.

"Wait, what time is it?" I asked.

"It's uh, 10 am." Connie stated.

"You guys stayed here, that long? Why? And what happened to Reiner? Where are they?"
I was worried, if I maybe just didn't stare at Reiner, everything would be fine. And Marco would still be here.

"We stayed here because we care about you, and we had nothing else to do. But Reiner, he and Bertholdt got away. We were so focused on you we didn't even notice them making their way to the top with their equipment. They knew immediately they were gonna get caught. But no one was able to catch them. We then ran you to the infirmary here, well not we, Levi did. I'm just so happy he didn't do too much damage, or it would've been fatal." Jean said.

"Oh no.." I said.

"But, but, guess what? I saw Levi there shed a few tears when that happened." Connie snickered.

"Oi, don't fucking mention it." He replied, looking all tough with his arms crossed at Levi. He tried to stay so tough for me, but I could see right through him. He genuinely cared about me and my well-being.
"Stable duties for you, Connie. 1 week." Levi said.

I let out a small giggle.

"But captain, it made her happy!" he said.

Nice way to get yourself out of that, Connie.

"Tch. That's nice and all, but that won't get your way out of this." He said, as he raised an eyebrow.

"Oi captain, you don't got to be so tough with us, we all know you're a soft boy deep down." Jean said, chuckling.

"Are you mocking me? Both of you, 2 weeks each." His eyebrows furrowed as he ordered them.

I look at his deep grey eyes, and see a small smile appear.

"See? SOFTBOYY!" Connie echoes around  the room."

"Shut up, shitty brat." He replies, as he clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth.

I put my hand on his shoulder, "Oh calm down, captain." I advised.

"Fine." he said.

I tried to calm Levi down and watch as the nurse strolls into the room.

"Hi hun! So, your injuries," She lifts up my shirt to this the large mark across my stomach, all stitched up. "Seem's to be healing well! You'll most likely be able to get out of here in, around 10 to 12 days, when you'll be able to walk properly." She briefly informed, as she left the room.

I looked down at my stomach to look the the mark.
That look's so gross.

"Eesh, that doesn't look very good" Jean said, as he examined my stomach.

Levi than glanced at Jean with with a death stare, him move out of the way so he can kiss my mark.

"Kissing it won't help, but thank you." I said with a smile.

"Anything for you." He replied.

"Oh anything? Can you go get me a bucket of ice cream, and a large bottle of Coca-Cola please?" I said, with a cute, convincing face.

"Fine I will" he said, strolling out of the room.

"Thanks, love you!" I yelled out to him.

"Love you too" he groaned out.

"Wow what a score, and I didn't know you loved him." Connie said.

"Well yes, I do. Very much." I said.

oh, captain. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now