29. Remember

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I awaken to the sound of..loud voices? Inconsiderate much.

I yawn, and stretch my arms out, hitting someone in the head. Whoever it was I could care less.
I look beside me to see Jean and Connie having an odd conversation I'd rather not get involved in.
I remember falling asleep on Levi, I was sure of it, but he wasn't here.

"Oh yeah, he left last night after you fell asleep, he couldn't stand our voices." Jean said, as he got to go put proper clothing on.

"What time is it.." I whisper as I grab my phone, it's 10:34 AM, and I happen to see a message from 8:58 AM, from unknown?

I open it up and see the message reading;

"Sorry I didn't stay, I needed
to go have, some tea.
Hope you slept well.
Love you XOXO."

No doubt about it now that it's Levi.

"Oh yeah and I gave him your number before he left, didn't know that millennial even had one to begin with." Connie mentioned with a smirk.

"thank you for coming to stay
with us for the night though,
it was fun while it lasted"

"Speaking of fun, why don't
you come to my place tonight?
I'll get Dhalis to organize
for all of us to eat dinner
together, all the members,
and I'll take you back home
for a little..something ;)"

"oh well that sounds good!
i'll be sure to arrive at the
mess hall, time?"

"6:00. I'll get everyone
onboard. But now I have to
head out with higher-ups.
I'll see you then,
love you."

"love you too"

"Jean!" I yell out as I turn my phone off and throw it aside.

"YEAH?" He replies, with a super, loud, ANNOYING voice.

"Do we have to do anything today? Or is it only the higher-ups?" I said.

"Only them, yeah, tomorrow though, I think we all have to go fix Wall Maria, for like the 500th time. But you know what we should do today? Train more." He reports, as he walks back into the room putting his shirt back on.

"Oh wow sounds soo fun! But I'm sore from yesterday can we have a small, day break?" I beg, with a convincing face.

"No. And Connie, you're coming." He replies, as he shoves a toothbrush in his mouth.

"Ooh yay I'm excited!" Connie squeaks out.

"You're one..odd guy." I say to Connie, scratching my head.

We had been working out for, what, 20 minutes? It's only 3:24 PM and I feel as if I can't move anymore, I feel so stiff, and Jean is perfectly fine, while Connie is jumping and swinging around like a monkey. I lay flat on the dirty ground and completely give up.

"You have to get up, you need all your strength back." Jean says, as he gets down to do push-ups.

"Don't push her too much," Connie says, as he starts to play with the weights.

"Thank you Connie" I say, as I stand up from the ground.

"Well, we still have a few hours till we have to go see everyone, what're we gonna do until then?" Jean says, wiping his hands off.

oh, captain. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now