3. Captain

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I didn't wanna ask any questions or he'd know I wasn't paying close attention.

I was trying to think if I could remember ANYTHING he said, but nothing came to mind.
As I was trying to think, I watched Connie come sprinting over here.

"CONNIEEE!!" I screamed

"HEY HEY!!" He said back as he had open arms for a hug.

"I haven't seen you in 3 hours Connie I really missed you man." I said, running into his arms.

"You're a comedian, haha." He said, laughing.

"Connie, guess what? I think y/n has a crush on the capta-" I slapped Jean's mouth to stop him from talking.

"YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON THE CAPTAIN?!?!" Connie exclaimed.

"CONNIE SHUT UP NO I DON'T! Jean why would you say that!!" I screeched back, blushing in the moment.

"You definitely do, don't even deny it." Jean said.

"I do not! He's too old for me. Totally not my type. And I haven't even spoken to him!" I said.

"Yeah, yeah, I've seen who you dated, you have a type, and he definitely is yours." Jean added.

I turn around to see if anyone had heard that, which they probably did, and I land my eyes on Levi, to see him looking over here with his arms crossed.
I'm just gonna pray he didn't actually hear that or I'd be a complete fool.

I started glancing around, and I saw everyone doing something, fighting I'd assume, but I was still perplexed on what was going on. Hand-to-hand combat is what I would call it instead.

"So, I guess we fight right?" I said to Connie and Jean, getting no response in return.

I looked back at Connie and Jean and both of them stood there in shock with their eyes wide open, staring right behind me.

I feel a cold, dark breath against the back of my neck, with deep exhales each time, making my spine shiver intensely. I deliberately start to turn my body around to face this person, and I see,
the Captain in front of me.

I cleared my throat and forced a smile onto my blank face.
His breathing seemed intimidating, but his height was no problem, I was almost as tall as him.

"Hello, captain." I managed to spit out, throwing my hand up in a salute.

His facial expression got colder, his eyebrows arched more, as he took one more fierce step forward.
"Get to work, brats." he scolded at me.

"Yessir!" the 3 of us said all in unison.

He then took a step away from me, and continued his way on to scold the others.

oh, captain. [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora