13. Anyone

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I take one more step forward, before I get jolted back.
My mouth was covered by someone.
My arms were tied back.
I was shaking.

No, this one definitely isn't real, its a dream.

"Wrong." I heard a deep, raspy voice say.

My eyes opened wide and I kept shivering.

"I see that you here, are in love with Levi, my nephew." He said with a slight chuckle.

His nephew?

"Oh and that letter, of course Levi didn't write that, that was me. I've been watching over the two of you, so I've managed to figure out exactly where you stayed, and left a note."

I was able to uncover my mouth for a second "So hes not here? And- who are you?"
Is what I managed to get out before getting my mouth covered, and a piece of cloth tied over, so I can't speak anymore.

"Kenny Ackerman."

I have a feeling this won't end well. Connie, Jean, anyone, please?

I kept struggling as they were trying to sit me down in a chair, I tried screaming but the cloth was in the way.

Everytime I struggled, I got slapped across the face.

Ow. Ow.

"Now now, it's time to have a bit of fun." Kenny said with a smirk.

I knew exactly what he meant by that.

They had tied my legs and arms to the chair, there was 4 of them in total, 3 were masked and Kenny's face revealed.
He looked so old.

Why was he doing this?
Does he hate Levi?
Why did he have to bring me into this though?

Kenny stood back and watched, as I felt a tear fall down my cheek as my top was getting ripped down the middle. I closed my eyes, and once I re-opened them, I saw the shadow of someone by the gate, no 2 people.

Connie? Jean?

My eyes opened wide and I saw their shadows leave,

they left.

My shirt was completely off and they started at my pants. I didn't want this, will anyone come?

3 minutes later, they had me almost fully undressed. More tears came rolling down my cheeks, dripping off of my chin and onto my bare legs.

I was scared, horrified.

They started to feel around my body and touched my face continuously, caressing everything I wasn't comfortable with.

I look forward again, to see the 2 people again, but there was a 3rd?

Was it them and Levi?

I watched the door creak open, followed my bright lighst filling up the barn.

"KENNNYYYYYY" Was the sound the blared from the entrance, as I figure rushed it's way into the barn.

I saw Jean and Connie standing by the large doors.

It was Levi, and Levi was the one who went right after Kenny.

Thank god.

oh, captain. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now