25. Figured

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We stroll away from Marco's lifeless body, leaving my hand to rest on Jean's shoulder, comforting him. I couldn't imagine how he feels in this moment.

We walk past and look at the rest of the bodies we could see down the crumbled street. Some people crushed by large rocks, more people eaten with half their bodies left, and just random body parts. We lost so many more people today, I just wish these titans would leave us alone.

"Jean, you know I think we tell the suspicions to Dhalis Zachary, about the Armoured Titan. We can maybe stop Reiner." I said as we walked.

"It may not even be him." he said sadly.

That's true but, what if..oh!

"Jean, I just thought of something. What if, since Marco had a suspicion on Reiner, that Reiner killed him to stop the information from spreading?" I said.

"But Marco looks like he was eaten by a titan, and wouldn't he have killed you by now? Also, the others in the group. I know Annie is presumed to be the Female Titan but Bertholdt?"

"He hasn't had the chance.And yeah, we already have an idea that Annie is the Female Titan, so maybe Bertholdt is the Colossal, and they all worked together to get Marco killed, since they're all betrayers!" I exclaimed.

"That seems, legit. You're like, smarter than Armin. Yeah, I think we should go talk to him just in case. But now we better get heading before he heads back into Wall Sina."

We then run off, and head our way towards the town hall, just in time, to talk to Dhalis. We explain everything we knew to him. He seemed to of understood us, and will take our suspicions into consideration.

"Don't tell anyone else about this then. And you two, stay safe, incase he tries to land his attack on you next. We just have to proceed with the Annie capturing immediately. Erwin, Levi, go get Armin, Eren, and Mikasa to set up the trap immediately. We have no more time to waste, and no more lives to lose."

We thanked Dhalis, and ran back to where are rooms are, and headed right to Connie's. We knock and get no answer.
"Hello?" Jean says. "Oh right he's probably cleaning up the bodies."

We turn around, and we see Connie walking towards us.

"Connie!" We both exclaimed, about to give him a hug.

"Better watch out, I got loads of blood on me." He said.

"Gross." I say, as we follow him into his room.

We sit down on his bed and floor, snd start to fidget with things, while he goes and washes himself off.

"Connie," I said, "We were told not to tell anyone else, but we have suspicions about the Armoured Titan. So now they pretty much know Annie is the Female Titan, and when they said they would take out the Armoured Titan next, Reiner looked scared, and he looked at Marco and I who were staring at him. Then Marco leads their group, the Bertholdt, Reiner and Annie group, and now Marco is dead. So now I feel they're working together, and that Bertholdt is the Colossal Titan aswell."

"I'm sorry, did you just say Marco died? M-Marco?" he stuttered out.

"Yes," Jean said, "We saw his body, torn in half along the street."

"Oh my." Connie said, turning off the water. He walked out with a towel around his waist. He then sat down.

"He was the nicest one of the
Survey Corps, this is literally devastating, I'm sorry. But also wait, [Y/N], doesn't that mean you're targeted next?" Connie said, worried.

"Yeah, that's why we came here. So if I die now you know it's Reiner." I replied.

"No don't say that stop. You aren't dying."
Connie said.

"Well, we'll see-" I get cut off by a large rumbling sound and a deep, loud scream.
We all look at eachother and go run outside instantaneously.

We look into the middle of town, it was the Female Titan, and Eren. They were going at it, while houses we crashing down.
"I'm guessing it's Annie, then." Jean said.



We stayed outside, while Connie went and got changed, and we head up to the rooftops to watch.

"This is cool!" said Connie.

"Connie, how is this cool, what if Eren dies? He's our only hope here." Jean said.

"I mean, it's cool to see 2 titan shifters going at it. I just cheer for Eren. GO ERENNN!" Connie screams out.

"He can't hear you." I reply, laughing.

We headed down, as Eren was getting beat up so badly, we couldn't watch it anymore. I look around on the roofs and ground everywhere, thinking where Bertholdt and Reiner would be at this moment. All everyone was doing was paying attention to the fight.
Eren looked like he couldn't move anymore, so Annie took and chance and started to- climb the wall?!

Is she trying to escape?

She keeps climbing, leaving holes in the wall. She almost makes it to the top, until Mikasa flies down and slices her blade to cut off her fingers. Annie falls off the wall and lands on the ground, not moving. Everyone then gathers around immediately her and cut open the nape. A large flash then appears and it seems that Annie is now in a crystalized object.
We watch as they start to bring her under the ground and keep her there, for who knows how long.

"Well that was something, but Mikasa looks so hot being a badass." Jean said.

"Yeah it definitely was." I said, and the three of walk through where the town was not covered in rubble, just like nothing happened. It was so quiet around here.

Too quiet.

"WATCH OUT Y/N!!" I hear someone scream far behind me. I swiftly turn around, and see Reiner right in my face. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. Almost all the way through.
I look down, and see Reiner holding a knife right through my gut. I look and see Bertholdt behind him, Bertholdt looked..sad. He looked like he didn't want this to happen.
I feel the blood oozing right out of my body and mouth.
I feel lifeless.

This is where I'm going to die, isn't it?
Why does everything bad happen to me? I don't deserve any of this.

"[Y/N]? Hello? Fuck. Please stay with me, someone help quickly, now!" I recognized Levi's voicefaintly, as my body is lifted up. I smile at the thought of my last touch being his, as my eyes start to close, and the last thing I heard was my name being repeated over and over again.

oh, captain. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now