"Stolen And Returned"

Start from the beginning

"I bet high blood pressure does too"

'So... your stand, Eldoon's Noodles, was stolen...'

he repeated in a less enthusiastic tone of voice, the man shook his head as he exaggerated

'Oh, it wasn't just the stand that was stolen, sonny-boy! I lost those wobbly wheels, my salt-crusted stewpot, my stained sign... I didn't just lose a stand, I lost a legend!'

turcy empathized with him

'No one steals a legend and gets away with it on my watch! Let's find that legend, Apollo!'

"Isn't it about time he bought a new one anyway?"

apollo didn't really see the point, sure it was hand-me-down from his family but still t it was old and somewhat ran down, why not get a new one at this point?!, he just sighed and focused on the case at hand

'Are there any more details you could give me about the stand?

'You bet, sonny-boy! It happened last night... I was blowing my whistle like always, crying the town, I was. The smell of broth filled the streets... thick 'n' salty. I got home, well, right before 10 PM, I reckon'

"Guess he's not aiming for that late-night market"

'I washed my bowls and gave the wheels a squirt of grease. Then I went inside'

apollo quickly jotted that down and continued to ask

'When did you notice it had been stolen?'

'Early this morning. Before the sun rose. Work starts early!'

"Do that many people eat noodles for breakfast!?"

apollo thought to himself, who eats noodles in the morning?!

'I'm washed up on the salty shores of ruination! That stand had my whole life in it... nay, my whole being!'

trucy frowned, feeling very sorry

'They took everything?'

'All my soup stock, my noodles, my bowls... and my dreams!'

he whimpered like a puppy, trucy looked down at the ground and saw a noddle bow, offering him atleast something to cheer him up

'At least they left one bowl. Look, there, on the ground'

'If you don't find that stand today... Then I'll be forced to walk the streets, peddling that bowl... my last bowl'

he sighed out sadly, apollo groaned as he mumbled

'Please, I'm under enough pressure here as it is'

'That's it! That's where the thief who snatched my panties ran to!'

'It's a crying shame, that is. If they have to steal, make it my loincloth! Not some pretty girl's panties!'

apollo still cringed at the word, but put it aside as he asked

'The garage, right. You don't think the thief lives here, do you?'

'Feh! I wouldn't put it past that good-for-nothing doctor!'

he bet, getting all grungy

"Hmm... Do I detect a little animosity here?"

'Let's make sure to check out that garage thoroughly!'

trucy said, but then asked 

'Oh Hey, do you think something happened next door? There's a police car out front...'

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