Chapter 33: Death Is Close (Part Two)

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Adrenaline is a funny thing. It can make you do the impossible, and it can make an old, sick man run faster than a young robot, full of rage and the urge to kill. Your dad knows that he's on the brink of death and that one mistake will bring it closer. He can't overpower Bonnie – not by himself. Maybe that's why, in his panic, he runs to a nearby park, bubbling with life and happy families. He even recognises some people there but they aren't 'people' per se. Harry, Roxy and Penny – as well as some others – are there. Just what your dad needs.

"Hey!!!!" he shouts. "Help me!!!"

Everybody's head snaps in his direction and it only takes mere moments before panic sets in and everybody is running and yelling, not really knowing what to do. Luckily, however, you managed to catch up rather quickly – still yelling at Bonnie to stop – so there might be a chance of a happy ending after all.

"Bonnie!!" you scream, so loud it hurts.

By some miracle, he stops dead in his tracks, looking back at you. You notice the crowd of scared people so you blurt out how he's a type two and you're his person, not even knowing if you made any sense. You don't really care either way. You just run to Bonnie and force him to sit down on the floor, frantically saying how it's all ok. It's barely even Bonnie right now. He's struggling to understand what you're saying and to reply in actual words. All he really knows is that you are deeply upset and stressed.

"J-just focus on me, please. Please. Please." You cry, shaking him.

"Y/n what the hell happened?" Harry rushes to your side.

"I don't know!"

Harry looks at Bonnie. His pupils are slit so thin and he's sitting like an animal. Eyes pinned on you. That's not Bonnie. Harry then looks at Roxy who is already trying to calm everybody else down and move them away but there is still a reaming issue. A very big issue. Penny. She had been scanned and was shown to have morphed into a type two so seeing her person – Bonnie – with you... Oh god. It's already apparent in her eyes, the hatred and jealousy bubbling up inside her. Watching Bonnie nuzzle and lick you in his confused rage is unbearable to see. Seeing you hug and kiss him, trying to calm him down is even worse. You are a human, and humans aren't supposed to be with animatronics. That's evident by the crowd of crying people, yelling at Bonnie about how disgusting he is, all while your dad is surrounded to be made sure he's alright. Bonnie's infected, just like the rest, this is nothing new and yet everyone is making such a fuss over it. Even you. He just needs someone that understands him. Someone who knows what he's going through. Someone that isn't you. Someone who won't cry and panic over nothing.


"Hold her back!" Harry shouts. "Y/n, you have to go."

Penny continues to writhe and kick whilst two others hold her arms behind her, stopping her from trying to do whatever she wants to do to you.

"Bonnie's stopped responding. Hey!!" You shake him.

He continues to blankly stare, not even directly at you but rather straight through you.

"Then we'll just have to move him."

Harry stands and moves just behind Bonnie to try and lift him up as you continue to try and snap him out of his trance. You've never had to deal with something like this. You didn't even know this could happen. A complete shutdown.

"Come on you two." Harry pulls Bonnie upwards by his arms. "Time to go."

What he isn't expecting, however, is to be shoved off, falling to the ground. Bonnie had elbowed his knee. You yell to stop his actions as you grab him so you can hold him still as he starts to go for Harry, still crying your eyes out.


As if things couldn't get worse, Penny's finally gotten free by throwing one of the people holding her over her shoulder and punching the other one off, instantly knocking him out. She's as angry as Bonnie, just able to move properly. Harry looks at you desperately trying to get Bonnie moving or at least talking to you, unbeknownst to anything around you. Since Penny was a type one to start off she doesn't have that slow – somewhat of a hesitation – to her that all type twos' have. Then, putting two and two together, Harry has no choice. The only way to save you, as it's now your life at risk. You have never been attacked before, despite all your experience with the infected, therefore, you have no idea what to do when attacked. On top of that, you don't even know that death is about to stab you in the back. Even Bonnie doesn't know.


It happens so fast. As you're tending to Bonnie the world has faded from your mind and so you can imagine the surprise when something pokes you in the back. Immediately you spin around, coming face to face with what seems to be a random pole – or rather the end of it – but it's what is at the end of it that is the awful part. Penny has just attempted to drive that thing through your spine but failed. She failed because of Harry. He had no chance to stop her and save your life without sacrificing something of his and unfortunately...

It was his life.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara