Chapter 8: Soon To Be Normal Fear

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Bonnie rolls over and immediately becomes aware of his empty bed, sitting up so he can try and find you as a result. This has always been an issue for him. He hates waking up by himself, especially after such a romantic night, but refuses to tell you for some reason, maybe due to pushing it off as him being weird. It's not very often it happened in the five years of being with you before the ten-year separation, but he has a bad feeling that it's going to be occurring a lot in these times. Bonnie would rather stay up all night staring at you than wake up alone but here he is, just because he won't tell you. He stares out into nothing for a while before actually moving to get up. He can handle it for the most part, but sometimes it's more panicky for some reason, as in he scrambles to get up and find you as if something bad is going to happen if he's by himself for too long. Today is not like that, thankfully, since he can sit with the uncomfortable feeling to try and get used to it without much issue. It's times like these when he's thankful he can hide things so easily since if he wasn't so good at it then you most likely would've started to worry and that he simply cannot allow.


As Bonnie walks downstairs he spots you standing at a window, looking outside, while talking to someone on the phone with your arms crossed and in a stiff position, barely moving. He walks up behind you and slowly hugs you, resting his head on top of yours as you hold one of his arms wrapped around your abdomen. He can't make out what's being said on the other side of your conversation as it's too quiet and slightly distorted but based on your responses, it sounds like you're trying to convince someone about something. Bonnie just sits there with his eyes closed, slightly increasing his grip on you as he slowly sways the both of you, relaxing as he focuses on you.

"Great..." Your arm holding the phone drops when you end the call.

"Everything ok?"

You sigh. "I have to go to work today or else I'm going to get fired... I hate this job..."

"Can you get a different one?"

"I'm working on that, but it's hard so, you know..."

Bonnie hums as he doesn't move from his position, mainly because he's gotten himself comfortable.

"I can take you back to where Roxy is until my shift ends if you want?" you ask.

"When does your shift end?"

"Uh, around six."

Bonnie nods and still doesn't move so you remain still as well, staring out the window. Not a word is spoken but it feels as if so much is being said from this one interaction. It's not even a strange one. Bonnie's cuddling you, that's normal, but it feels different and it's like he's trying to tell you something. You sigh and lean your head back into his chest as he holds you even closer, humming contently as he does. You smile and almost tear up. It's been so long since you've seen Bonnie be his adorable self – you had almost forgotten what it's like. All the memories of every time he was just so cute and precious pop into your mind, leaving you not wanting to leave this position. Unfortunately, however, that desire can't be satisfied today.


"Bonnie...we have to get going," you say quietly. "Are you ok though?"

"Of course." He nuzzles the back of your head and finally lets you go.

You immediately turn around so you can look at his face to see if he truly is and relax when you see his pure smile. He grabs your hand before you get too far away and makes sure he's right next to you as you both leave the house. The one good thing to come out of that little interview is that people have stopped looking at Bonnie with shock-filled faces. The bad thing, however, is that they're now only staring at him with concern, fear or disgust. He's spotted some people reading newspapers that have his face somehow making the front page so the word has spread quickly which he doesn't know how to feel about. Bonnie tries his best to ignore everyone and everything around him so he can feel comfortable before you leave him with Roxy.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now