Chapter 39: Connections

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"It would've been easier if you just implemented that train of thought into him from the start."

"That would've been too noticeable and not as fun to watch."

Apollo chuckles, readjusting the phone in his hand while swirling around the coffee in a cup with the other. He looks through the glass at Bonnie sitting in the corner of the solitary confinement room, head buried in his knees. After his little 'incident' in his first class, he was shoved in there to calm down and has been in there for the past sixteen hours.

"Now that he's in here though, could you tweak it so it's easier for us?" Apollo asks.

"You know how dangerous it is for me to come out of hiding? The same with Tyler."

"I'll give you the best security and make sure no one sees and everyone keeps their mouth shut. I mean, everyone here already knows that you're in contact with me."

"True." There's silence for a moment. "Tell you what. I will get started on designing the change and you can just keep working on him. Deal?"


Apollo says his goodbyes and hangs up his phone, now turning his full attention to Bonnie – who hasn't moved. He taps on the glass to change that and surprisingly, it works. Bonnie looks up to the window and makes eye contact with Apollo.

"Feeling better?"

Bonnie stands. "What's wrong with me?"

"That's what we're trying to find out."

"You already know damn well what's going on with me."

"What makes you say that?"

Bonnie walks until he's right in front of the glass. "I heard your doctors. They said that they have to use everything they know to their advantage. They were explaining everything. So tell me what's wrong with me!!"

"Bonnie, you were infected by Vincent himself which means you have a unique strand of the virus. We don't exactly know what he did and that's what we're trying to understand so we can help you."

Bonnie glares at Apollo, hands on the glass and ears twitching. Unwavering anger begins to appear inside him.

"That's a lie and you know it."

"If you don't believe me, that's your choice."

Bonnie digs his claws into the glass and drags them down, leaving white cracks in their path, before turning around.

"We'll keep you in here for another hour or two and then you'll be sent back to your room." Apollo sighs. "Do you need anything?"


"Good. Now behave yourself."

Apollo walks away, looking down at his phone. There's a new message from Tyler, simply saying 'screw you mate'. He chuckles quietly to himself. He's so glad he met those two idiots. They really did change his life, as they were the reason he was able to start this asylum. They are the true backbones of this place as most of the information about the virus comes from them and what to do about it. Having Bonnie here with his special virus is simply the best gift the three of them could've asked for. The thought of what they could all achieve is so thrilling. It's surprising those two even decided to help with the virus tweaking. It does kind of make sense in a weird way...

They did create it after all.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now