Chapter 25: So Delicate

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There's a certain feeling swirling around in Bonnie – and it's not a good one. A mix between anger and sadness, also mixed with a protective need. Usually, he wouldn't know why he's feeling this way but this time he knows exactly why, which only makes it worse. Now that he's finished his three-week transformation, you have been instructed to come back to work immediately. The look on your face only says how much you don't want to go. Bonnie asked to come with you, to no avail. You want him to stay home and relax but he can't do so when he knows you are in a place you don't want to be in. Unhappy. Every minute before your shift, Bonnie tried to convince you to stay or at least delay you as you begin to get ready. Again, to no avail. You just keep telling him you won't be gone for very long and he'll be fine. He won't.


"Y/n..." Bonnie follows you down the stairs.

"I won't be long."

"You'll be gone for seven hours."

You open the front door but Bonnie grabs it. You look at him for a few seconds before pulling his hand off and continuing to open it.

"Y/n, please," he says.

"Honey, you can't become too attached. I know you can't help it but please just at least try for me." You put your hand on his cheek. "If you really, truly cannot go any further, call me and I'll come home but please try."

He blankly stares at you for a while, his eyes being the only thing moving. He's fighting himself.

You bite your lip, nervously. "Please."

More silence.

Slowly, he opens his mouth and nods. "Ok..."

You smile and kiss him, whispering a small 'thank you' before leaving. Even after you shut the door, however, Bonnie just stands there, with an empty expression. He can feel himself twitching slightly, most notably his hands, ears and eyes but he ignores it all as his mind is focused elsewhere. You just left. He understands why you did and that you'll be back in seven hours but he still isn't happy about it. Something in him is just screaming to go after you. Something is at your workplace and is going to hurt you. If he's not there to protect you...

"You're like a dog right now, you know?" your dad says behind Bonnie.

"I'm sorry?" Bonnie turns around.

"Dogs do this. Whenever their owner leaves, they glue themselves to the door, waiting – as if that's going to make it any faster."

"Oh... I'm sorry," Bonnie says. "Um, do you need anything?"

Your dad narrows his eyes as Bonnie tries his best to smile, putting his hands behind his back, nervously.

"Don't act nice," he says, coldly.


"I don't need an already proven dangerous robot trying to lull me into a sense of trust." He looks to the side as if unsure. "I don't know what you're capable of and I don't think I can fend you off by myself."

"B-but you created me." Bonnie tries smiling again. "You would know more about me than even I do."

"Don't remind me." Your dad spins around and walks away.

Bonnie is left wide-eyed, confused, and slightly heartbroken as he thinks that your dad regrets making him. As much as things suck right now, he couldn't be more grateful to him and the other members of the team who worked on him as he would never have met you or even be alive right now. Yet, your dad seems like he would take that all back right now. Maybe he's right in thinking that.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now