Chapter 28: No Issues

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It's kind of sad that most don't know what it feels like to die. It would be really convenient to know and understand what it's like, especially now, since then it would be easier to determine whether or not Bonnie's dead. He knows he's awake but it's all black, kind of like when he first woke up in the dump. He's actually died before but he still doesn't know what it's like. It can't be this. He opens his eyes and sees white, which turns out to be lights on a white ceiling. As he continues to become more and more conscious, the more he understands what's happening. He didn't die. He's in a hospital bed yet again, barely alive. He can barely move. He hears voices but can't understand any of them, or even distinctly see where they're coming from. There are a few dark blobs in the room which is probably what's talking. There's also a beeping noise to his right. Slowly, Bonnie looks towards it. When his vision clears he sees it's a power pulse monitor – which is basically a heart monitor for animatronics. It's relatively stable – just a bit slow – but as Bonnie starts to fully wake up and remember everything it picks up speed. Dramatically. Panic overcomes him so he starts moving, shaking his head back and forth as his eyes dart around the room. The dark blobs rush over to his side.

"Please relax," one says.

The other injects something into Bonnie's neck which makes him feel instantly feel calmer as things slow down. The two blobs form into two doctors. One male and one female.

"Just stay still," the male one says. "You're in Montal hospital right now. I'm Dr. Trace and this is Dr. Hensley. You've been unconscious for 24 hours after being submerged in water with an offline waterproof ability. Do you understand?"


"Good. Can you tell me your name and birth date?"

"Bonnie. May 9th."

"Excellent. Can you move at all?"

Bonnie checks by moving his fingers first, followed by the rest of him. By the end of it, he's sitting upright, leaning on the pillow.

Dr. Trace holds up a pen and moves it to be right at the end of Bonnie's peripheral vision. "Can you look here with your eyes?"

He looks at it.

"And here." He moves it to the opposite side.

He looks at it again.

"Good. How are things looking?" He looks to Dr. Hensley.

"Everything seems relatively normal doctor," she says.


"Do you remember what happened, Bonnie?" Dr. Trace asks.

"Yes..." Bonnie refuses to look at him.

"Can you tell me then?"


"Bonnie, we need to know what happened. It might help us figure out important things and help you get back to full health."

"Weren't you told?"

"No. Our ambulance was called to your house by Mr. L/n. You were found having been dragged out of the pool by him, laying on the floor, seemingly dead. He refused to tell us."

"How did I survive?"

"Honestly, it's miracle you did... Now, what happened?"

Bonnie stares off into nothing. "I-I...I... It was me..."

"Care to elaborate?"

"I... did it..." Bonnie starts to tear up.

"Do you mean the damaged waterproof ability and falling into a pool was self-inflicted?"

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now