Chapter 24: Lucky

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There's an uncomfortable silence looming over everybody in the slum. Roxy got a call from you, saying that you were bringing Bonnie in as his three weeks is up and he needs to get out of the house. Normally, that would be amazing news as it's been so long since anyone has seen either of you, but the tone in your voice caused great worry as to what condition Bonnie was going to be in. You could've simply been tired but Roxy – and some others – have their suspicions. Harry could probably figure it out but no one can really be sure until the door swings open revealing you and Bonnie. Now, everyone has been staring at said door, anxious. Roxy stands in front of it, ready to greet you both with as much love and support she can give. She knows what both of you have been through so she understands how hard this must be. There's some noise in the room but every single one is instantly stopped when muffled footsteps and voices start to fade in from outside. They get louder and louder. Roxy tenses up. There's a small knock and then the door slowly opens.

"Y/n! Bonnie!" Roxy calls out, relieved to see you both seemingly fine.

She immediately runs over and gives you both massive hugs, exclaiming how glad she is to see you two. Everyone else chimes in with the happiness as well and soon everything goes back to normal. Almost. Roxy can tell something is on your mind – and that it's to do with Bonnie. You had this empty look on your face and the only time it changed was when you saw Bonnie smiling at everyone. You're quick to send Bonnie to everyone where he's warmly welcomed back, while also being bombarded with a lot of 'are you ok?'s. He needs it.


"Y/n..." Roxy starts. "How are you holding up?"

"Is it that obvious?" You rub your eye.

"Yes. Is it to do with Bonnie?"

"Unfortunately, yeah. I'm...scared..."


"So much."

Roxy is about to say something but is cut off. Thankfully, it's by someone who can help you.

"Glad to see you both back," Harry says, looking at you.

"Thank you..."

Harry stares at you with concern before looking at Roxy who also gives him a concerned – but also confused – look.

"Y/n, can we talk for a bit?" he says.

"Sure." You start walking without question.

Harry then gives Roxy a comforting smile as he walks with you, also nodding his head towards everyone, telling her to go.


Roxy still watches until both you and Harry have disappeared into his office before going to the group. Bonnie has already accumulated the attention of everyone, being bombarded with questions and concerns. Everyone is just glad to see him alright and seemingly dealing just fine with the Devil's Infection.

"Well, I just finished my three weeks so I don't yet," he says.

"You'll be fine," someone replies.

Bonnie smiles and nods which is relieving to see but Roxy can't get her mind off you. Bonnie is happy and safe so what are you worrying about? You know the virus better than most so you would know how weak it's gotten over the years, plus Bonnie is, in fact, a strong person so he wouldn't be the type to instantly snap with no build-up or warning. Roxy shakes her head and sits down next to Bonnie.

"I hope the three weeks weren't too hard on you."

"No. They were fine."

"Good. Good." Roxy nods.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now