Chapter 31: High Hopes

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"What does it do?" Bonnie pokes at the little device in your hand.

"It helps with your episodes."

You move Bonnie's hand away and hold his head in a way that exposes his neck more so you can give him the medication. He closes his eyes as you inject it into him as a way to brace himself but quickly opens them again. You smile when he looks at you with a certain surprise. It didn't hurt him. He rubs his neck, looking off to the side as he now looks slightly disappointed – which washes your smile away instantly.

"It should take effect in an hour or so. Then it just needs a regular dose once a day," you explain.

"How powerful is it?"

"It's just above the baseline amount."

"Which is?"

You huff slightly. "You won't have as many episodes, you'll feel them coming on, they won't be as severe and they won't last as long."

"Why do I get the higher dose?" Bonnie looks away from you.

"Because that's what you need."

He still looks disappointed or sad. What he's upset about is plaguing your mind as this should be a good thing for him. He should be happy.


"Is that alright with you?" you ask, tilting your head to try and see his face better.

Very briefly, Bonnie glances at you, his ears twitching at your question. His hand finally slides off his neck as he mumbles quietly.


"Then why do you seem so upset?" You lean forward.

"W-what?" He looks at you. "I-I'm not..."

You grab his face and force him to look at you, repeating your question. He merely stares at you, carefully studying your face as you do the same to him.

"But... You'll be worried," he says.

"I'm already worried. I'll be less so if I know what's bugging you."

As you're waiting for a response, you simply just try and guess what his answer will be. He doesn't want to take medication. Maybe there's a weird feeling after taking it that he doesn't like. You don't know.

"I... Like it..." Bonnie says, barely audible.

"Like what?"

He giggles and collapses into your chest, almost toppling you over.


"I'm sorry," he mumbles into you.

You pick his head up off you and move him so you can see his face. He's still smiling, although it now seems a little forced.

"What do you mean you 'like it'?" you ask.

"The episodes..."

Your heart drops.


"You... Like having the episodes?"


Bonnie looks at you with starry eyes, full of innocence. He tilts his head and smiles again – now genuine as he tries to get you to do the same. You do not.

"Wh... Why?" You shake your head.

"I don't know... It just makes me feel better."

You bite your lip and look away from him. Now what the hell do you do? To your knowledge, there hasn't been any recorded case of someone actually enjoying their episodes. In fact, it's more common to be the opposite. You start to panic the more you think about it but you force a calm composure when Bonnie reacts to your sharp breaths with his own concern – even showing signs of going back to his animal-like state. Pushing him up to sit upright, you stutter, trying to figure out what to tell him without making things worse.


You close your eyes and take a deep breath. "Bonnie, you need to know that no matter how good you feel whilst having an episode, they aren't good for you. Ok?"


"Ok?" you repeat.

Slowly, he nods. You know he's not being entirely truthful with you but just the fact that he's able to say yes is a start.

"Um..." you start, "is there something else that makes you feel just as good?"


"So you can replace it with... Hopefully something good."

Bonnie looks off to the side, ears dropping down slightly, as he goes over as many things as he can. His expression changes a lot, mostly just continuing to get more and more upset.

"I..." he starts, "I don't know..."

"So there's nothing that compares to how the episodes make you feel?" You drop your shoulders.


"Not even close?"

There has to be something. Anything. You can make him do something multiple times just so he's not addicted to the episodes. You'll even get him to try a whole bunch of things just to find something. Just one.


You sigh. "There's not one thing? I don't mind if it's something simple or only makes you feel a little good. Just give me something, Bonnie."

"I don't remember..."

"Ok..." You move closer to him. "Do you want to try some things out?"

He nods.


You're about to suggest something but Bonnie grabs your face and kisses you very suddenly, surprising you.

"Are we making a list?" he asks, after letting you go.

"If you want."

"Can I put that at number one?" He tilts his head and holds your hands.

"Of course you can."

You smile at him and he actually smiles back for once. Things seem to be looking up for once. Bonnie's stopping his animal-like behaviours, starting to seem like his old self, and is completely willing to try and get better. Such a sudden change – almost suspiciously so – but you don't complain as it's such a breath of relief to see him this way. Of course, however, there is that guilty part of you that believes this isn't going to last and is just either a ray of false hope or the calm before the storm. A last glimpse of happiness before no one can go back. Something that you fear. You're on constant guard so you can't help but run every possible situation out in your head and how to react to it. From best case to worst case scenario. Ultimately, you're doing this to stop the unnerving feeling of fear bubbling up inside you as you just know something is going to go wrong. What that will be, you don't know – nor do you know when it will happen. It's just hard to believe that Bonnie's fine after everything that's happened and what he tried. It's even harder to believe that he's getting better. There's no way. It's not possible.

It's just not.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now