Chapter 40: Prove Yourself

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"Get moving, rabbit." A guard throws a random object at Bonnie.

"What's going on?" He sits up in his bed, groggily.

"Just get your ass outta bed."

Bonnie glares at him but ultimately follows his orders, immediately getting up and walking over to him. The guard makes sure his taser is clearly visible as Bonnie leaves his room before shoving it in his back to force him to walk, threatening to set it off if he doesn't hurry up. Bonnie is guided through multiple rooms and hallways until he's greeted by some other animatronics. A very small amount that is. They all look scared and when they see him approaching, their fear instantly grows.


Once he's let go by the guard, a red badge is pinned onto his chest, the same one that everyone else has. Then he merely gets shoved into the group.

"Hey, have you done this before?" someone whispers next to him.

"No? What's going on?"

"It's a test. A battle arena to put it bluntly," they explain. "They put everyone they're suspicious about in here to see if they need to be raised to higher security. There's also a high-security guy in there and if someone manages to beat him... It's an instant ticket to high security..."

Bonnie nods slowly. He's a type two though so he doesn't have the urge to attack unless under specific circumstances. Someone else taps his shoulder.

"We're all type ones," they say as if able to read his mind.

Is he not a type two? That's what the diagnosis said but maybe it couldn't define what he was due to this 'special strand' of virus he has. Then again, he's shown type two traits. What is wrong with him? Is it worse than he thought? Is he really just a—

"Listen up you freaks!" someone shouts. "We're about to send you in so if you want to live. Fight."

Two metal doors suddenly slide open, revealing a big, empty room with other doors. Everyone is shoved in, as well as another group from the other side of the room. The doors close and everything stands still. Everyone just looks at each other, not wanting to fight. At first, one would think that this was it, no one fights because no one wants to and then everyone is sent back to their regular places, not needing to go into high security. Then, however, the noise starts. An awful, high pitch noise. The kind that digs into your brain as you grit your teeth, blocking your ears to try to stop it. The difference here, however, is that the noise isn't external. It's coming from inside everyone's head. Bonnie and everyone else groans and yells, some trying to claw their ears out. An urge to hurt and attack overcomes a lot of them as if hurting something will stop the noise. Due to this, the fighting begins. Everyone lunges at each other and the more people attack the more their type one mindset becomes set on death.


Bonnie, on the other hand, doesn't have that same urge – or is at least able to fight it off more easily. He stumbles around, away from the chaos, as he spots a ledge of sorts just above a door. He goes to it and climbs up to sit there so he's unable to hurt anyone or get hurt himself. The noise even starts to not bother him so he smiles to himself as he thinks he'll make it through.

"What's he doing?"

"Probably trying to avoid it, sir."

Apollo tuts as he stares at Bonnie, sitting there, watching everyone. "Well, we can't have that now can we?"


Apollo flips to Bonnie's profile on the monitor nearby, telling the doctor to shut up.

"I need to see how capable he is," he says. "I know he's killed someone and I need to see it for myself."

The act of getting the noise inside their heads is simple and it's also just as simple to hook up a way to change how strong it is. Each robot has them so those that need more get more. No such thing as too much. Many of the other staff make their concerns audible, saying how they all need to have some sort of delicacy with Bonnie so as to not do any serious or permanent damage. Apollo merely waves them off, saying how long he's studied and worked on robotics. He was even better than the team that were building Bonnie too. They had to call him for help so he could break down the components to look like mere children's toys.

"Ready?" he says out loud, getting no response.

He makes sure to keep an eye on Bonnie as he moves the slider on the screen, making the ear-piercing sound become even more unbearable, digging into his mind. There's an immediate reaction that becomes an outburst once the marker is halfway across the bar. Bonnie holds his head and shakes it, clenching everything as he tries to push through. Once the bar reaches three-quarters of the way to the end, he yells out and falls off his little ledge and rolls around on the floor. Then Apollo moves the marker to the very end so it's at max. Bonnie screams and claws at his own head and ears, begging for it to stop.

"Come on..." Apollo whispers to himself. "Do it, Bonnie."

He doesn't have to wait long before someone bumps into him, causing an instant reaction of violence. Bonnie jumps on his fellow animatronic and they start to fight, Apollo smiling at it. He grins even more when Bonnie wins easily. The other robot barely manages to run away whilst clinging for his life.

"Send out the high-security guy," Apollo orders, eyes still pinned on Bonnie.

It's very convenient that the door he was hiding above – and now not moving away from – was the door hiding his challenger. Apollo expects him to win with ease. If he doesn't then... That's an easy fix.


The red light above the door begins flashing as they slowly slide open. It doesn't even reach halfway before being torn through by what Apollo calls, The Tank. His real name is Norman – not that anyone will remember or care since he's about to hopefully meet his end. The only reason he was put as a candidate for this area was so that Bonnie could fight him and kill him as Norman was becoming quite the issue.

"Yes..." Apollo says.

Bonnie and Norman lock eyes quickly, already circling each other. With high-security type ones, however, is that they tend to go for brute strength due to their complete insanity so not even two seconds pass before Norman lunges for Bonnie. Much to Apollo's disappointment, Bonnie is taken down to the floor and seems to struggle against him – which does make sense due to the still lingering type two thought process in his mind that hasn't been lost yet. Apollo remembers when he asked to have a way to control the amount of blood lust going alongside the noise but of course, that hasn't been implemented yet so he just has to hope and pray Bonnie will get a strong enough urge himself.


It takes so long. Painfully so. Most of the other robots have either given up as they've become deaf to the noise, are passed out, or are just sitting down and doing nothing. Bonnie and Norman are still at each other's throats but Bonnie should be deaf to the noise as well or it should have timed out itself, which means there is a chance he's running on his very own urge to kill which would be perfect. Even better is that Norman seems to be getting tired. It is kind of disappointing that he'll probably just lose to that and not to the sheer strength of Bonnie, which is what Apollo was hoping for. He sighs and slumps back in his chair, looking to the ceiling, as he wonders what could be done next. That is until he's interrupted by the doctors in the room gasping and swearing in shock. Apollo looks back into the room and all hope is restored. There, at the back of the room, stands Bonnie, holding Norman's head in his hand. The body has its chest ripped open and is sparking dangerously as it still twitches and wiggles around like a headless chicken. Bonnie's staring at the head and pushing his finger through one of the eyes,  just before dropping it carelessly to the floor. He looks at the other animatronics in the room and is about to go for them but guards quickly subdue and knock him out before he can even make a move. Apollo laughs and looks at the others, who all have surprised but happy expressions.

"I told you we would get here," he says.

He looks back and sees Bonnie being dragged through the doorway Norman came out of.

This was a good day.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now