Chapter 27: The Last Straw

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TW!!!: This chapter contains attempted suicide. Read at your own risk.

"Bonnie?" Your dad walks up behind him. "What are you doing up?"

Bonnie remains silent, standing completely still on the balcony, leaning on the railing and staring down at the pool.

"Hello?" Your dad raises his voice slightly. "Y/n said you weren't supposed to wake up until tomorrow."


"Yes. Now, what are you doing?"

"Why do you care?"

"Bonnie, just answer the goddamn question. I'm not in the mood for whatever's wrong with you."

Bonnie looks up from the pool so he's staring straight ahead, tapping his fingers on the railing.

"And I'm not in the mood for you," he says.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Just... Leave me alone."

Your dad groans. "Seriously, what is up with you? One second you're fine and then you're weird the next."

Bonnie buries his face in his hands as he starts to get angry.

"You were acting so nice and then you go and almost kill a man. You're constantly glitching – basically never working correctly. There is no other robot like this. They've all had the virus for years and none of them are like this so what in the hell is going on with you?" Your dad rants. "There's no reason you should be so... So broken. I and my team worked our asses on perfecting you and then you go breaking down so easily. Are you going to say anythi—"

"I get it!!" Bonnie spins around suddenly.

Your dad is taken aback by this as he's never seen such rage in Bonnie's eyes before.

"What?" he says.

"I get it. You don't have to go on and on and on about it! I've been reminded so many times, it's all I can think!"

"What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about?! What are you talking about!? You're one of the main people who remind me every day. Even when I was being created I was nagged and nagged. Don't you dare act confused!"

"Bonnie, I seriously don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh don't you!?" Bonnie tenses up. "Don't you know about every single time I was called an emotionless piece of junk! Every time I was threatened with being shut down because I wasn't working correctly! Or every time I was beaten until I responded! I spent months in fear, then I spent five years in front of the world's judgmental eyes, then I DIED for ten YEARS only to wake up in this mess of a world where my friends are dead and my people are plagued by this goddamn virus made by some absolute scum! I have never gotten a single day where I'm not put in my place as nothing but a piece of metal! I've spent so long questioning myself! I don't know if what I feel is how humans feel! And I never will! Do you have any idea what that's like!? Y/n is the only thing I have in my life that makes me feel like I'm valid. Every time I'm away from her I just feel like a worthless robot. And I get it! I understand my place! I get that I will never in my life be as good or as valid or as precious as a human life! I will never be on the same level as one. I will never be chosen over one. I will never be good enough to be treated the same as a human. My whole purpose is ruled by humans. There isn't a single animatronic that is made just for the sake of being made. We are always built to fulfil a single purpose and god help us if we want to do anything outside that single purpose. We are frowned upon if we think about doing something else because then it would make all our creators' work worthless. Do you understand how little freedom we have?! And already – on top of all that – we get hit with this virus!! And what for?! Because one insane man doesn't like us. And does anyone give us the benefit of the doubt? Is anyone rushing for a cure? Are we given actual support? No!! We're left alone, to fend for ourselves in pathetic little slums because it's ok, we can just be replaced by another! And better yet, we get better and better as technology improves so it's actually a good thing if we all get replaced! Who cares about what they have to say?! Who cares about what they think?! They're just robots. They're designed to follow us because we made them even though we know they can have their own thoughts! Do you have any idea what this is like?! Do you understand the pain we go through?! It's almost to the point I wish I was never able to feel things in the first place!! I wish I was just a static robot because then I wouldn't have to go through this or make anyone else hurt. I've spent so many nights wishing I never woke up because I am fed up with everything! What am I supposed to do if even the ones who made me wish they never did!? What am I supposed to do when I'm pictured as this insane killing machine?! Am I supposed to ask for help?! Well, I wish I could but I can't because no one cares or wants to know because who knows if I'm lying and just trying to cover up my true intentions! I get all of this now! I understand all of this! Aren't you happy? I know my place in this world! And I wish I could be happy like this but I can't. I can't do this. I don't want to do this..."

Bonnie steps backwards with a sea of tears rolling down his face as your dad just stares with his mouth agape as he stands speechless. Panic sets in, however, when Bonnie climbs onto the railing, still facing him, and raises both his arms as if about to hug someone. He pushes his health check button.

"Warning: Waterproof ability has been shut down. Please fix immediately."

"I'm sorry..." he says.

"Wait!" Your dad starts running. "BONNIE!!!!"

He's not fast enough. His hand barely scrapes Bonnie's leg as he falls backwards off the railing. He screams at him as he watches helplessly.

Then there's a big splash.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now