Chapter 15: The Wrong Attitude

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(I'll explain why there's no picture at the end.)

Bonnie tuts as he rolls over and finds you not in bed with him. He slowly sits up and rubs his eyes, feeling abnormally tired for some reason, before he groggily stands up. It's unknown whether the low energy can be blamed on the virus or if it's just a random occurrence since those are relatively common for him. Usually, they aren't too bothersome, only going so far as what you'd typically expect from being tired, but sometimes they are the complete opposite, making every little thing a massive task while he battles off the urge to collapse to the ground. While he changes clothes and moves around the room, Bonnie subtly smiles to himself as the low energy appears to be a small one since he's not stumbling over or falling back into bed. Only heavy eyelids and a slight slouch are happening. Once dressed, he stretches his arms out in front of him as they feel oddly stiff and he mutters a small 'ouch' to himself when a loud snap emanates from one of his elbows. However, when he checks it, there is nothing wrong from what he can see. The only issue is that some of his wires are tangled around either each other or his endoskeleton so the snap was probably him breaking the lock on his joint from the seizure-like episode he had.


Bonnie continues to fiddle with his wires as he leaves the room and walks to the hall and to the stairs. He slows down when he notices voices coming from seemingly the living room. Very angry voices. After pulling his sleeve down and walking to the wall just outside that room, the conversation between you and your dad is now crystal clear.

"That's not my fault!" you say.

"I never said it was! All I'm saying is that he should not do it based on that experience."

You groan. "That's just because you don't want him in the house, even though this is the best place for him. You just can't accept the fact you've got this whole virus thing wrong."

"Well, he's infected, y/n! What do want me to do? You're my daughter, I do what's best for you!"

"What's best?" You chuckle. "You honestly think separating a type two from his special person is doing what's best? Do you know how bad the consequences would be if you did that when he's more mentally infected? Do you know how much damage he would do? If you want what's best for me, then you will not ever try to keep me away from him just because he's infected because I know how to handle him if he loses control. I know what I'm doing."

"And if he hurts you?"

You slam or drop something. "Dad, I've said it before and I'll say it again. Bonnie. Is. A. Type. Two. Hell, even type ones don't need this much caution. It's only some animatronics that completely lose their minds and end up dangerous killing machines. Only some. And it's rare."

"Who's to say that he won't end up like that? If anything happens during the three weeks it's all over."

"It's not all over! If you don't want him to end up like that, then don't be stupid and think keeping me away from him will help. We have to protect him during these three weeks and then everything should relax a bit."

"I just want you safe."

You sharply inhale before going silent for a few seconds as if keeping yourself from flipping out. "How in the world would I not be safe with Bonnie? In fact, I would be even more safe with him, now more than ever, because type twos protect their person with their life by doing anything to keep them safe."

"You can never be too sure with these things! He could still hurt you – even by accident."

"These things!? This is Bonnie your talking about! He's not a 'thing'. And you're acting like I can't handle myself if he does lose control. I've been through this before, I can do it again. I've dealt with much, much worse."

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now