Chapter 3: Reunited After...

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The sun beats down on Bonnie without mercy but he doesn't care about that and just keeps on walking since he knows that he is so close to arriving at your dad's mansion. He has been there before, in the past, but never inside, mainly because there was always a very strange feeling even outside the place, as if it wasn't a house and more of a museum, meaning you have to be careful around everything lest it breaks, even though he has only been in the garden, and so Bonnie never stepped a foot inside. Your dad managed to get the money for all of it due to finally being paid for building the Fazbear Crew, which turned out to be a massive thing, but after he got that money he sunk into it, getting obsessed with it and becoming a depressed millionaire that no one knew how to feel about. No one knew why he bought a mansion when he was basically the only one living there either. You became a lot more distant from him after that. Bonnie always still respected him – he did create him after all – and always treated him just the same, even if your dad never did the same back to him, plus he is his sweetheart's father – and maybe possibly a father-in-law in the future. What caused you to move in with him though? That is something you would never do in a million years, even if your dad was how he was before the whole thing with Desmond Steel, or Vincent, or Purple Guy, or whatever he is calling himself now. He better still be in jail, Desmond, and if not, he better be on the other side of the damn planet. Bonnie shakes his head. Stop wondering about everything.


There haven't been many people outside but whenever there were, they would always take an obvious double take on Bonnie, get a very scared expression and then change their path so they walk in the opposite direction from him. Animatronics were the only ones who did not do that. In fact, they were getting the same treatment but with Bonnie, there always seemed to be a feeling of shock on everyone's faces, whereas any other animatronic just received a terrified expression. All of it was making Bonnie extremely uncomfortable and worried, to the point where he started to walk down alleyways just so he wasn't out in the open to be stared at like he was a freak. It was concerning as to why people would look at him that way since it was yet another unknown situation that Bonnie wanted to be answered but again, couldn't ask. Maybe he could, but he feels as if it wouldn't be a good idea so stick to the shadows he will. The alleyways are where all the other animatronics walk as well, until they absolutely had to step into public view, so it was very easy to move through those areas for Bonnie – almost – since even they were giving them shocked-filled faces but that was as far as it went. He tries to ignore everything and merely focus on getting to his destination, which is slightly harder in the alleyways, but even when he completely shifts his attention away, he can still feel eyes burning every part of his head, making him fight himself to not look back. He hates the attention. He feels like he's not welcome.


Some people talk to him, seemingly to see if he's actually real, and normally he wouldn't mind if there wasn't something clearly off in the way they spoke to him. On top of that, every single animatronic had something physically – sometimes mentally – strange going on with them. The most common one is that they had yellow animal eyes with vertically slit pupils. Another one was claws, some had wings and some even had extra appendages, none looking natural like they were naturally part of them, plus these all looked the same among animatronics so it couldn't be a simple design, since those features would all look different among them. Maybe that explains why everyone was staring at Bonnie because he's the only one that doesn't have anything remotely close to those looks, but then why does everyone else have them? None of the humans have anything wrong with them, so it couldn't have been this global outbreak, or maybe there was but it only affected animatronics. Who knows. Whenever someone mentioned those looks – which was already very rare – they always spoke like it was completely normal and that Bonnie should already know everything about all of it, but no one would let him ask questions as if in reality they don't want to talk about it. Things like 'I'm just a type two' or 'it was a painful process' were said, just to name a few. They would be asking all the questions about Bonnie, however, like where he's been, where he's going, and such. Concerning.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now