Chapter 32: Death is Close (Part One)

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Have you ever felt like there's an invisible clock somewhere? Ticking away, and counting down to something. Sometimes you might hear it or maybe picture it in your head. Have you ever wondered what it's counting down to? All clocks do stop eventually after all. It may stem from suspicion or fear but when things seem to be going so well in an otherwise unhappy life, there will always be that part of you that counts all the seconds. Waiting for something bad to happen. The longer one has been in negative environments, the louder the ticking will be. Time will seem to be going too slowly but also too fast simultaneously as you study any and all clocks you see. Small things will catch your attention. Over-analysis is inevitable, to the point where when something does in fact go wrong. You're not surprised. Or at least... That's how it normally goes. In an ordinary lifestyle, this would be happening. You worry about something and it turns out to be not as bad as you once thought. That's how it's supposed to go. That's how it should go. Of course, however, you and everyone else are in what can be considered a very 'abnormal' situation. Due to this, the complete opposite happens as that ticking clock in your head stops suddenly. You have snapped back to reality. You were so bound up in the seconds that you even know exactly how long it's been since it started. 29 hours. 41 minutes. 12 seconds. It's so bad you feel like you're in a completely new world when disconnected from your thoughts. Normally, you would shrug it off. It's simply just your paranoia. Case closed, move on. It's not that, however. To put it simply, there is just a different feeling in the air that makes you uncomfortable and panicky. You think that maybe something is wrong with Bonnie and it's just a weird sixth sense you have. Maybe he's just having an episode and needs you there.


Oh... How naive of you...


"When are you going to tell them the truth?"


"Tell them the truth about why I Should be an interesting conversation."

"Bonnie..." Your dad grits his teeth. "Why don't you tell them?"

"I think it would be better coming from you, the liar. You know, as the guy who has caused all this."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You said it yourself. If you hadn't built me or hired Desmond, none of us would be in this situation."

Your dad huffs. "You're just upset because you think I regret making you."

"Oh, I'm not upset by that."

Your dad takes a step back as admittedly he becomes slightly afraid of Bonnie due to the tone of his voice. It doesn't help that he's got his back to him so he can't see his face. Despite this, your dad – for some reason – thinks that he needs to remain tough in front of Bonnie.

"So what's bothering you then?"

"I don't think you want me to answer, sir."

"Spit it out."

Bonnie remains silent for a moment, making your dad anxious.

"You had a conversation with y/n recently," he starts. "And – if I do remember correctly – you were explaining why I had jumped but the issue is, is the dishonesty. You said you'll explain the whole story but instead of saying what I told you, you merely told them that because they were with me, I couldn't handle all the pressure I was putting on them. You said that I was upset with everything they had gone through and didn't want to add to it."

Bonnie starts to raise his voice as he stiffens up, anger taking over.

"You lied to y/n. Told them that it was because of them. It was their fault that I wanted to die!" He turns around to face your dad very suddenly. "You put the blame onto them when they had done nothing wrong."

"That's not what I said, Bonnie."

"That's how it came off. Screw what you meant to say! You looked my y/n in the eye and said it was the pressure I felt from them. Then what happens? I find them crying because they think that it was their fault. That if they didn't show their pain or did a better job of hiding it, I would be doing better than I am."

"Y/n isn't a preschooler, they understood what I meant."

"How much hidden meaning can be shoved into 'he did it because of your pain'? How much can someone take from that? And that's not even getting to the fact that you lied!"

"I don't think, y/n would like to hear why."

"But they're ok with this? Thinking it's their fault? Blaming themselves?" Bonnie steps closer. "You are y/n's father. You of all people should understand them and how they react to things. You should know not to tell your own daughter that their loved one trying to die was because of their doing. Do you understand that? Or did your IQ drop sharply whilst I was away?"


Bonnie gets close to your dad again but he shoves him back, yelling to stay away. Unfortunately, your dad created someone who will always be stronger than almost everything so Bonnie simply grabs your dad's shoulders tightly, already causing pain, as his pupils become slim lines in his eyes.

"I don't care what you say to me. You can say I was a mistake, that your regret making me, or that I'm just a pain in your ass, but don't your dare think that you can look at my girlfriend and tell them that my wanting to die had anything to do with them."

"Bonnie, calm down," your dad says.

"What do you mean calm down? Do you not understand how hurt y/n must be?"

"I think you're overreacting."

The majority of your dad is acting on fear at this point so he spits things he doesn't mean out as he shoves Bonnie away from him. Unfortunately, it didn't come across as a 'get away from me' push but rather a push that gives off the impression that he's challenging Bonnie. He wants a fight. Since he's already angered him, he's going to get one.


To add salt to the injury, your dad tosses the remote sitting close by directly at Bonnie's head. He merely flinches, however. Your dad turns his back and starts to walk away but Bonnie grabs his collar and yanks him backwards, causing him to fall down onto the floor. With the age and issues your dad has had, he stays on the ground, groaning in pain, while Bonnie stands over him.

"You should know your place," Bonnie says, almost sounding disappointed.

He kneels down and your dad hears animalistic growls from him so, in a panic, he grabs the nearest object – a random shoe – and hits Bonnie with it with all his strength. This time, it actually does something since he stumbles backwards but it's not enough. In fact, your dad quickly realises that it might've done more harm than good. After holding his head for a moment and regaining his composure, Bonnie looks at your dad, completely back into his animal-like state. All that progress he made with you is now gone. Your dad tries to scramble to get away but Bonnie hisses and lunges at him before he even had a chance. Like before, he goes for his neck, getting both hands tightly around it. It doesn't nearly last as long, however.

"BONNIE!!!" you scream from up the stairs.

Bonnie stops and looks up at you. "Y/n?"

Your dad takes this opportunity to hit him once again and because he's distracted by you, this blow allows him enough time to get up and run for it. He runs straight for the front door. Straight to safety. Bonnie snaps again and chases him.

"Hey!!" you yell again.

You run the down the stairs to try and catch both of them, having no idea what the hell happened. Bonnie is on medication and was seemingly getting better. Was all that a lie? Apparently.

"Bonnie!!! Dad!!! Stop it!!!" you yell out.

Neither of them hears you and so you're left to keep running as fast as you can before someone ends up dead.

Because someone is about to die.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now