Chapter 50: Full Circle

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Bonnie can feel himself slipping back into the monster he is as he runs through the hallways, getting closer and closer to the exit. He still doesn't want to go outside but there's barely any choice right now. Just as Freddy said; he's gotten this far. The guards shout and threaten to shoot as they follow behind. Bonnie can barely focus on their voices as he starts twitching and losing control. His mind just tells him to keep running. Where is he even supposed to go once out? Where will you be? There isn't enough time to find out.


At some point, Bonnie finds himself on the second floor of the building, getting increasingly closer to a window at an alarming rate. It's like he can't control his body. Without any time to rethink what he's doing, he dives through the window. He slams to the ground for mere seconds before he's back on his feet and running again. It's so surreal being outside again. There's a bright sky and colourful ground. If it was any other situation, he would be enjoying it. There are already alarms echoing from the building and people yell from inside about the escaped robot. Bonnie looks around frantically for you, only to find nothing. You're not here. The next best bet would be your dad's place. He'll have to outrun everyone chasing him until he gets there.


People scream and cry as they see him sprint past, pulling out their phones to call for help. Bonnie's in the middle of a goddamn park, full of families, practically unaware of what's happening. He remembers this place, however, which means it's not too long before he'll reach your dad's place. All the adrenaline and loud noises nearly push him off the edge to losing control, despite his best efforts. The effects of the shot and the wire snap are wearing off. He can hear himself growling and hissing at people who don't get out of the way quick enough but there's a weird limbo where he's in the middle of two different mindsets. So close.


"Desperate, huh?"

Freddy shuts the door to the roof, holding an arm up to his face as a shield from the debris flying around. All the panic from everyone has made a group of the security feel like they need a helicopter to contain Bonnie. It's probably a bit much but it'll help Freddy get to him quicker than jumping onto the cars going after him, so before the helicopter takes off, he runs for it. The door facing him is closed so the only option is to jump for the metal bar just below and hold on for dear life. Never in his five years of being alive – or ten years of being dead – has he thought he would be dangling off the side of a helicopter. Cars race across roads, looking like mere dots from Freddy's perspective. The wind smacks at his face as he switches from looking straight ahead, to looking down. Bonnie better be running right now – and fast.


The sirens are getting louder and louder behind Bonnie. He can almost feel the gun pointing at the back of his head as his legs start to burn and beg for a break. His vision will go blurry for a few seconds but none of that slows him down. If he does, this will be all for nothing. Both you and Freddy would kill him for failing right now.


Bonnie screams like a madman as he gets closer and closer to the now comforting mansion owned by your dad. He has no idea where you are. His mind flashes back to when he first came here after waking up in the dump, looking for you, for some reason. As he runs up the pathway, he spots someone rushing down the steps to the front door. That has to be you.


Just seeing your face without a glass barrier in between gives him the extra boost he needs to reach you. A wash of relief finally causes both legs to give way and make him collapse into you, gripping onto your top. It's almost like when you were kidnapped by Desmond and reunited with Bonnie.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now