Chapter 37: Parting Words

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"You're not excited, are you?"

Bonnie growls at Apollo and his stupid question. Of course he's not excited. It's the second day here and he now has to be introduced to everyone. He knows he won't make any friends or become even remotely close to anyone so it's just a waste of time.

"Everyone is having lunch right now, so you can take as long as you want."

Ah yes, lunch. It was explained to him that the only reason that they're given food is to try and shrink the chance of a low-energy issue happening as no one can be bothered to fix it. Bonnie clenches his fists for a moment before walking around the corner and to the doorway of the cafeteria. There are some steps there, which just means he gets even more attention. Immediately, everyone in the room looks at him. Some in curiosity, some in worry, and some in dominance. Bonnie stares back at them all before they're all told to get back to eating. Whispers bounce around, however, all about him. He doesn't mind though. He's used to it by now.


A guard points him to a small table in the corner of the room, saying how new patients have to go there as a safety feature. The table isn't that far away, which means he can still eavesdrop on some people's conversations while waiting for food. Lucky. 

"Stop staring, you idiot."

"But, he's new! We haven't got anyone new in a long time."

"Do you even know who that is?"


"Oh my god, I'm going to kill you... That is Bonnie. You know, from the Fazbear family??"

"For real?"

He slaps his friend. "Yes! Now stop gawking."

"What's he doing here?"

"Take a guess..."

"Shut it you two!" a guard yells.

Bonnie chuckles quietly to himself as someone walks up to him, holding a bowl full of... something.


He doesn't feel like eating it. As an animatronic, he doesn't have to, but as he's witnessed someone get beaten for refusing to do so already, he's going to have to. What even is it? It's a white – slightly yellow – sludge, like some yogurt that's years past the expiry date. Bonnie's just stirring it with a spoon, not wanting to put that anywhere near his mouth.

"You better start eating, bunny boy," a guard calls out.

He looks at said guard. He could eat him. Tear the limbs off one by one, then cut him open to get to the organs and... Oh god. Bonnie shakes his head as he realises what the hell is going through his mind. Just shut up and do as your told. He shoves some of the sludge into his mouth and tries to block out all the thoughts popping up, instead focusing on the fact it doesn't taste as bad as one might think. Has he always thought like this? It's not even the eating someone part that's getting him going, it's the idea of hurting and killing someone. That's what he wants. It sounds enjoyable, kind of like a sport, so maybe he's just bottled too many things up, but... It's just...

"Hello?" someone says.

"Huh?" Bonnie snaps out of his daydreaming.

"Hey there." They giggle. "You're the new one here, correct?"


"Good! Hopefully, you'll have a better time here then!"


It's painful how hard this girl is trying to be nice. It's too much. You can always tell who's genuine and who's just going out of their way to get on your good side. She also seems nervous, or maybe even scared, so that's probably why she would want to make friends with Bonnie quickly.

"I-I heard that you're, um, not really any of the types..."


"I j-just wanted to... Wanted to say that, uh, you won't be treated any d-differently because of that...heh." She looks off to the side. "I-I'm, Jessy by the way..."

Bonnie's quiet for a moment, studying her standing position and movements.

"You're scared of me. Aren't you?" he says, sinking back into his chair.

"N-no!! Of course not!"

He hears laughter at the table closest to him so he looks over there, thinking it's to do with this.

"She really thinks she can be friends with him?"

"Of course not. She just wants a guard dog. Get the animal to like you and you're set for life."

More laughter. How convenient to overhear. Bonnie looks back at Jessy. He then stands up, slowly, keeping eye contact and a still expression. She steps back, hands already shaking.

"It's good to know that my own people don't like me. Makes me feel special," he says, eyes now to the floor.

"W-what? I-I... I—"

"Don't say anything. I already know what I am. I know I'm not normal even by The Devil's Infections standards. That's why I'm here after all." He starts to walk past Jessy. "I hope you enjoyed your food."

He then leaves. It's a lot to realise and take in. The people he thought were the only ones that truly accepted him, are now scared and cautious of him. They have to whisper so they don't talk to him. They have to be as nice as possible to not anger him. No one knows what a wild animal is capable of. No one wants to know. You were the only person who stuck with him no matter what. You saw him at his saddest. You saw him at his angriest. You were the one who really got the animalistic behaviour from him and yet you still looked at him like he was the same as he was all those years ago. He knows he's not, however, the Bonnie you fell in love with. Sacrificed so much for. Protected with your life and loved with all your heart. That Bonnie won't come back. He's gone. Now there's just... Whatever the hell he is now. Too animal to be a human or robot but too human to be an animal. That isn't Bonnie. He's long gone. There's even an argument to say he died before he woke up in the dump. That life is in the past. Here, is home. That's all that matters. He's dead.

Goodbye Bonnie...

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now