Chapter 46: Like Father Like Son

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"I'll find it on my own then."

"S-Sir, I really wouldn't recommend being up and about so soon. Plus, I'm not allowed to tell you even if I wanted to. It's—"

"Save it."

Freddy swings the door open and leaves without giving the doctor another chance to speak. Why would he just sit there knowing that Bonnie is stuck in this mental asylum in high security? He won't.


It's strange how much this place resembles a maze. So many turns through long, narrow hallways. Very distant yells sometimes echo throughout, which would mean Freddy's going the right way. The directions on the walls seem new, even put on mere hours ago, the same goes for the occasional maps. He can't simply ask for directions as a free animatronic walking around must be rare and therefore dangerous for both parties. It goes so far as a messed up game of hide and seek as there's no choice but to hide or run for it when even the smallest hint of another presence appears. Sometimes he'll get away without incident and other times he'll almost be caught. If they're in groups they'll swear to each other they heard or saw something – very quick to brush it off as nothing. Occasionally, random, ordinary people will appear. Some even with kids. It's hit or miss if they seem happy or not. The closer Freddy gets to what he thinks is high security, the more frequent these families are. Or should he say tourists. It's evident by how they're talking and waving their cameras around, even bragging about the pictures they got.

"Can't believe they managed to get Bonnie in there."

"And I can't believe I got a photo! Look at this! The first ever animatronic that came back after ten years and then wished he never woke up, all in this picture!"

"It's not that impressive, calm down..."

Bonnie... There go any suspicions. Freddy is getting closer and closer to Bonnie and whatever poor state he's in. 


The crowd near the door dies down eventually, allowing entry. There aren't even any guards outside, however. Inside those two metal doors lays what the virus has become after ten years. There's not a single one left uninfected. Is he really ready to see this? Even if he's not there's barely any choice. Bonnie is in there. Slowly, Freddy places his hands on the door handles, as screams and yells constantly ring out from inside. Just one swift motion and open the damn door.


"Oh god..."

There's no telling how much shock can hit a person when greeted by the sight behind those doors. It might be easy for humans but for a fellow animatronic to see their own people caged up like literal animals. Ten years... He doesn't even know what it's like for these people and he died because of it. So many are crying and seemingly begging to be let out or killed. They beg for the pain to stop, beg for the torture to stop and beg for forgiveness. Hesitantly, Freddy takes a step forward, looking into each of the cells as he searches for Bonnie.

"Where are you...?"

Some notice him and bang on the glass. He gives them a sympathetic look before reaching a finger to his mouth to signal to be quiet about him and they seem to understand so they go back to whatever they were doing.


There is an elevator at the end of the room, leading to the next level of cells. There's no roster or anything that lists which animatronic is in which cell so he has to check each and every one.


Finally, a guard shows up to do his job. He yells that Freddy isn't meant to be in here but all he does is run to the elevator. The guard follows but is too slow. There's just enough time for Freddy to smile at him before the doors close and the elevator starts to rise. It only goes up so much, however, before stopping. A screen pops up where the buttons once were. It asks if he's looking for a specific animatronic with a little keyboard popping up to go along with it. He types in Bonnie and a map shows up, showing where he is. Floor three, cell 52. The elevator resumes. This is it.


The doors barely get a chance to open before Freddy shoves his way through and into the room, already running to get to Bonnie as he doesn't know what that guard is planning on doing. What is he going to see? Will Bonnie still be recognizable? The doctor had told him he had a 'special case' of the virus, meaning it was drastically different from the rest. Exactly how different, he didn't say.


He counts each and every cell as he gets closer to Bonnie's. Hesitation strikes when he gets to 50, increasing at 51 and then there's nothing in his way.


What a sight. Bonnie's definitely in that cell, wrapped tightly in the jacket with multiple, indescribable injuries all over him, but he's simply laying on the floor staring at the ceiling even when Freddy knocks on the glass. With enough bangs, he finally moves, merely twisting his head towards the glass. He looks at Freddy but does nothing. He has such a blank stare as if he doesn't even think what he's looking at is real. Freddy waves and hits the glass as he tries to snap Bonnie out of his trance.

"Freddy Fazbear... Aren't you troublesome?" Apollo walks up with four guards following close behind. "I thought you were told you shouldn't be up and about."

He steps closer and looks behind him at Bonnie.

"Are you admiring him or something?" he says.

Freddy stands up straight, not listening to whatever Apollo is saying. He looks at Bonnie once again and studies all the emotion in his eyes. All the pain.


He grabs Apollo and throws him against the wall, pinning him by the neck.

"What the hell did you do to him!?" he yells.

"I didn't do anything." Apollo grabs at Freddy's arm. "This is what the virus does to you people. It's not the same as it was ten years ago."

Two of the guards yank Freddy off and restrain him while the other two stand by. Apollo rubs his neck before dusting himself off and tidying his clothes.

"Ahem. I know it's hard to see him like this, but this place is here to help him and others like him. We're a hospital."

"I don't count mental asylums as hospitals."

"So you were told?"

"Of course I bloody was, you knob. Now tell me what happened to Bonnie to land him here."

"Well... He, uh, didn't get along with the virus. Shall we say?"

Freddy glares at him. Apollo motions for the guards to take him away and he complies. Bonnie hasn't moved the entire time and is now staring at Apollo, who is tapping on the glass with all his fingers, a strange smile spread across his face. At least Freddy knows where Bonnie is, and that you're still around. Those two pieces of information can be used to an almost unfair advantage. How?

You'll see.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now