I adjust myself in my seat. "It says in the Bible that-"

"That sex before marriage is a sin, that you're supposed to save yourself for your husband and your body is a sacred temple. And you won't be the type of teenager that makes the mistake of doing that, right?" It's as if she's reading my mind. Everything she says is what I was going to say.

I look at the 7-eleven we're parked in front of, gripping the huge slurpie she bought me in my hands. I take a sip before responding. "Is that so bad?"

"No sweetie it's not," she reassures me. "But let me tell you something Tahani. If you did make a mistake it wouldn't make you any less or a person or make God love you anymore than he already does. Shit I blamed myself for years for losing my virginity at a young age. Now look at me, married to the man I lost it to and blessed with a huge company that will support my family for the rest of the generations to come."

I hesitate before speaking. "This thing with Torin...I don't know what it is. I've never liked a guy before, do you think it's a bad thing?"

Her face scrunches up with concentration like she's thinking it over. "Taj is just like Issac. That's why they get along so good. And you're just like I used to be."

"You guys have a good life though." I point out trying to look on the bright side.

She laughs a scoff leaving her lips. "Hell yeah we do. But niecy let me tell you something and you remember this. Not everything pretty has a pretty story."

At this age I didn't know what she meant by that, but those words would later stick to me like glue.

"What if him and Hazel are together?" I notice the sadness in my tone. I wished things didn't end on the note we left them on. Well mostly me.

He's been blowing up my phone and I ignore every call.

"Could be," Naomi shrugs. "You kissed him didn't you?" She questions suspiciously.

I freeze my cheeks turning a pink shade. "Uh...yes." I admit not wanting to lie to her.

She smiles and soon that turns into a laugh. "So what was it like?"

I look over at her thinking of how even though she's older it's like she's my age. She laughs with me, talks to me, is honest, and she helped me fight. She's like a aunt but a sister wrapped in one. "His lips were really soft," I whisper shyly. "He was asking me if it was okay. I just didn't want to stop. I feel horrible about it."

"He better ask for consent," Naomi says seriously causing me to laugh. "And you're not horrible to want to do more. Ain't nothin' wrong with liking kissing."

As if a coincidence my phone dings. I stare down at it to see he's blown me up for the hundredth time.

"You got him goin' crazy." She states nosily eyeing my phone from over my shoulder. "Sure all y'all did was kiss?"

A smile covers my face. "Yes auntie all we did was kiss." She's quiet while I continue rereading the messages.

"How about I show you around the company today? You've never been." I get really excited at the sound of that and give her a fast nod. "K let's go."

• • • •

"Oh my goodness it's huge." I exclaim looking up at the huge building with the words Santiago Corporation on it. I've never seen a building this big before and it's in the city city.

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