Chapter 69

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*5 years later*
I developed myself to build things just like Tony. In fact I'm even better. Peter got a new suit... yeah I created that, although Tony takes credit. I don't mind tho I just love what I do. Steve and I got engaged and bought our own house. I never went on missions anymore, I stayed behind and gave all the information. I learned to live without my powers, I still miss having them tho and I would still do anything to get them back. We also met new people, we met the Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther with his whole country. 5 years ago a big purple guy named Thanos came around and removed half of the universe's population. We all still have a hard time being without them but we also decided to move on. This morning Wanda and Nat were helping me get ready. "Are you nervous?" Nat asked and I nodded. "Extremely." I said and they smiled. "Don't be this is your day." Wanda said and I nodded. "Okay done." Nat said and they pulled me out of the chair to put the dress on. "You look so beautiful." Wanda said as tears came into her eyes. I smiled and they covered my eyes as they pulled me to the mirror. "Okay look." They said and I gasped. "Damn I look hot." I said and we all laughed.
The final look:

We walked out and walked to the door Tony and I will walk through when he gives me away

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We walked out and walked to the door Tony and I will walk through when he gives me away. Tony was waiting for me and he held my hand as he too a deep but shakily breath. "You look beautiful." He said and sighed. "I never imagined giving my own daughter away to Captain America." He said and I smiled. "You sure you don't want to bail?" He asked and I slapped his arm. "Yes dad, I'm completely sure I want to marry Steve." I said and he nodded. "I know I'm just not ready for you to grow up even more." He said as we hugged. "I'll always be your little girl dad. No matter what." I said as the music started playing, we got ready as I locked my arm with his and the doors opened. We walked down the aisle as everybody got up and applauded. I looked at Steve and I saw that he got tears in his eyes as Thor comforted him by placing a hand on his shoulder. I took a deep breath before Tony gave me to Steve.
Steve's suit:

The bridesmaids dresses:

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The bridesmaids dresses:

The bridesmaids dresses:

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The venue:

"You take care of my little girl

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"You take care of my little girl. He said softly as he walked away wiping away his tears. Steve nodded and looked at me with a big smile. "You look stunning." He said and I smiled as I wiped away his tears. "So do you." I said as he kissed the palm of my hand. We smiled and then turned around to Bruce who got his marriage official license for us. He smiled at us and nodded. "Welcome everybody to this beautiful day. We are gathered here today to see these two beautiful people get married." He said and motioned us to sit down. "Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, this man has been through a lot and I can tell you I didn't see him this happy before Nina came into his life." He said and Steve smiled at me. "Nina Stark, although we got her to know as Tony's daughter who woke up with powers one day, she showed us all that she is way more than that, although Tony would never admit, she has become a better tech engineer than Tony himself and that is why he takes credit for her creations. We won't say specific things." He said and Steve and I looked at each other. "Spidey's suit." We said at the same time while fake coughing and everybody laughed. "Now if you guys could stand up and tell us your vows. Steve you start." Bruce said and we both got up. He grabbed both of my hands and took a deep breath. "Nina, I knew when I first saw you that I wanted to get to know you better, I also knew already that you were the one for me. We had our ups and downs but we got stronger out of it. I love you so much and I will never stop. Like we've said before we are soulmates." He said and I fought my tears as he smiled at me. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. "Steve, believe me when I tell you that before I met you I never thought I would get married at all, let alone to Captain America. I'm so happy that we met, you saved me in many many ways and many many times. When I saw you at first I was like damn he's hot." I said and laughed a little as everyone else joined in. "But when I looked into your eyes I knew there was someone in there that I HAD to get to know and to never let go. You have NO idea how much I love you. So the only way to explain it is by saying if I ever got the choice to get all my powers back but lose you in whatever way. I would say no and hold on tight to you. You chose me and now you're stuck with me." I said and he smiled as he softly wiped away my tears. Everybody applauded and we laughed a little. "That was beautiful." Bruce said as he motioned Morgan to come forward. She quickly stepped forward with the rings and looked up at me with a big smile. I bent down and kissed her cheek. "Steve repeat after me." Bruce said and Steve looked me in the eyes. "I Steve Grant Rogers, take you Nina Maria Stark. To be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day for ward until death do us part." Bruce said and Steve repeated it. "What is your answer to that?" Bruce asked and Steve smiled. "I do." He said and I smiled widely. "Nina, repeat after me." Bruce said and I nodded still looking into Steve's eyes. "I Nina Maria Stark, take you Steve Grant Rogers. To be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day for ward until death do us part." Bruce said and I repeated it. "What is your answer to that?" He asked and I smiled. "I do." I said and everybody cheered as we took the rings and put it on each other's finger. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Bruce said and Steve grabbed me by my waist and neck dipped me down as he kissed me. "I love you my wife." He said as he pulled away and I smiled. "I love you too my husband." I said as he put me back on my feet. Everybody cheered as we showed our rings. We walked through aisle as everybody threw rose pedals, when we were inside we went into a separated room and both let out a deep breath. "Well Mrs. Rogers how are you feeling." He said and I smiled. "I like the sound to that." I said as I put my arms around his neck. "I'm the happiest and luckiest woman in the world." I said and he softly kissed me. "I'm the happiest man in the world." He said and I smiled. "I need help changing dresses." I said and he smiled. "I'll help you." He said as I pulled him with me to the bedroom I got dressed in. He quickly pinned me against the wall. "Oh no, save that for tonight." I said as I bit my lip. "Why not now?" He asked as he kissed down my neck. "Because I need to change my dress." I said as I moaned. "Let me help you get this dress off." He said as he slowly unzipped the dress when the dress dropped to the ground he picked it up and threw it on the bed as I pulled down his pants. He pulled his boxers a little lower as he lifted me up, he moved my thong aside and lowered me down onto his member. I gasped as he moved quickly. "Oh my god." I moaned as I tugged on his hair. He went faster and faster. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna-" I moaned. "Me too." He moaned and we hit our climax at the same time. We tried to catch our breath as we leaned our foreheads against each other he slowly pulled out and placed me back on the ground. He walked into the bathroom and cleaned himself as I walked over to the suitcase and grabbed the other dress. Steve walked behind me as he put on his pants. "Well we probably should go back." He said and I chuckled as I leaned against the bed to step into the dress. "Yeah we should." I said and turned around so he could zip me up. He zipped me up and turned me around. "Let's go Mrs. Rogers." He said and grabbed my hand as we walked out of the room.

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