Chapter 30

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I just stood up on the roof by myself for a few minutes to get back the control of my powers and emotions when Steve came up to the roof. "Hey hey, calm down, it's okay." He said as he grabbed my hand. "Remember what we did the other night?" He asked and I nodded. "PETER COME UP HERE!" He yelled and Peter quickly came running upstairs. "We're going to do the same exercise we did after what happened with Bucky the other night. you remember?" He asked Peter and he nodded. we all sat down on the ground and did the same exercise, all I could see was love in Steve's eyes. After I calmed down I hugged Steve. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked as he pulled away and I shrugged my shoulders, "What's the point?" I said and looked down. "Everyone probably already thinks I'm a danger anyway." I said and he moved a piece of hair behind my ear. "No they don't Nina. I promise." He said and I nodded as I took a deep breath. "Can we go downstairs so I only have to tell it once?" I asked softly and he smiled. "Of course." He said and I turned around to Peter. "Thanks Parker." I said as I hugged him. "Anything for my best friend." He said as we started to walk downstairs, once we were back in the living room, I took a deep breath. "Hi everyone, i would like to explain what happened when I almost killed Stan, my ex boyfriend." I said softly and they all walked up to me and hugged me. "Only when you're ready." Nat said and I smiled. "I held it in for too long already." I said as Tony walked in. "What happened?" He asked me and I hugged him. "I got an alert from F.R.I.D.A.Y. saying Bucky escaped and got into the living room." He said and looked at all of us. "We never got the alert but Bucky was here, we were playing truth or dare when he bursted in and asked Nina if she almost killed her ex boyfriend. She got scared and angry, she admitted it and hit him really hard before running out." Nat said while pointing at Bucky laying unconscious on the floor. "Nina, is this true?" He asked and I nodded while looking at the floor, ready to get screamed at. "Wanna say what happened?" He asked and I nodded. "I'm gonna tell all of you." I said as I walked to the couch, Peter and Tony sat down next to me and Steve stood against the door post. "So, my ex boyfriend Stan, my mom introduced me to him, he was so sweet at first, always taking me out, complimenting me etc. but then all of a sudden it all changed. I did everything wrong in his eyes and he let me know by hitting me and-" I said and I stopped for a bit to fight the tears and swallow my fear. "And he forced me to have sex with him, almost every night, he always came over since my mom was barely home." I said as tears streamed down my face. "Then one day I realised he was taking advantage of me and I was done with it and hit him back but everything turned black in front of my eyes as i kept punching him, I kept going and going until I got pulled off of him, my vision came back and I stared at my mom and then at him. I ran away for a few days after that and no one could find me since I kept on the move and out of sight for the cameras. When I returned my room was cleaned up and my mom acted like nothing ever happened, since that time she left me even more alone." I said and took a deep breath. Everyone was silent for a little and then Peter hugged me. "I'm so sorry Nina, if only I knew." He said and I just nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?" Tony said and got up. "I-I-I was scared." I stuttered and he just turned around. "Dad I'm sorry, I was just scared and so ashamed." I said while more tears came rolling down. "Do you have ANY idea-" He said but was cut off by Nat. "Okay Tony, she gets it." She said and motioned me to come to her. I got up and walked up to Nat, she put her arm around my shoulders. "Let's go Nina." She said as she pulled me with her to my room. "Are you okay?" She asked as we sat down on my bed and I shrugged my shoulders. "How was I supposed to tell him this? It all happened right after Bucky's fake funeral, I was vulnerable and Stan took advantage of me. It's not fun to feel that way but it is even worse to share it with someone right after it all happened." I said and looked down at my hands. "Come on, let me help you take your make up off." She said as she grabbed my hands and I smiled at her. She took met with her to my bathroom and took the make-up wipes. She softly removed my make-up taking her time with it after she was done with it, she took out my hair pins, "Lean over the shower tray, I'll wash out your hair." She said and I nodded after we were done with that we sat down on my bed and she braided my hair. "All done she said as she rubbed my arms. "Thanks Nat." I said as I got up and changed into my PJ's.

The PJ's

We then walked back to the living room, where the others were in a discussion

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We then walked back to the living room, where the others were in a discussion. "Tony, she basically got raped and you expect her to just tell you?" Wanda said. "I am her father." He said and Wanda looked pissed. "Yes and she was scared, embarrassed and felt guilty for it all. "You hid your fear after the black hole as well, did you tell her you had anxiety and panic attacks?" She asked and he looked angry at her. "No but that is different." He said. "ENOUGH!" I yelled and everybody looked at me. "Ugh for real dad? you would me rather feel even worse by telling you, than accepting everything and then tell you?" I asked. "This wasn't the way I wanted to tell you but SOMEONE..." I said pointing angrily at Bucky. " forced me to tell you now. If you can't accept the way I deal with my problems, I'll just leave. Happy birthday to me, right?" I said as I walked over to Bucky, I grabbed him and teleported to the cells and slammed him in the cell, I made sure it was fully locked and teleported back. "So what is your answer?" I asked Tony angrily. "I-I'm sorry Nina, I was just in shock about all of it, I didn't mean what I said and I didn't mean to ruin your birthday." He said and hugged me. "Thank you but Bucky actually ruined it" I said as I hugged him back. "Now if you excuse me, I go to bed, good night." I said and walked towards my room. "Yeah me too." Steve said and quickly walked after me. "Hey, are you okay?" He said as he grabbed my arm to slow me down. "Sorry I just haven't been sleeping well the last couple of nights." I said as I looked up at him. "Can I stay with you tonight?" I asked and he smiled at me. "Of course." He said as he took my hand and pulled me with him into his room. "Thank you." I said softly and he looked at me. "Not a problem at all." He said as he put me down on his bed and went to the bathroom to get changed. He came back and pulled me right in his arms as he laid down. "Besides the end of the night, did you enjoy your birthday?" He asked as he played with my hair. "Yeah." I said and smirked at him. "So you like me, huh?" I said and he looked down at me. "Why was it not obvious yet?" He asked. "Wait maybe this will help." He said and softly kissed me. I felt my face turn red as we pulled away and smiled shyly at him. "Yepp, very obvious now." I said as I hid my face under the covers. "Now go to sleep, before you turn in Hulk tomorrow." Steve said and we both laughed. He pulled me back in and we fell asleep.
Nina and Steve:

Nina and Steve:

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