Chapter 14

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After dinner I grabbed Nat by her arm. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, it's been a long day." I said while looking at the floor, she pulled me in for a hug. "Don't worry, I figured, if you need anything we are here for you okay?" She said and I nodded as I pulled out of the hug. "Actually can you stay up after Peter and I leave in a bit? We got a meeting in the park, I think we'll be fine but just in case." I said and she smiled at me. "Of course." She said, I nodded and walked to my room. Steve passed by as I opened my door, before I could walk in I felt a shock in my head and saw a vision of Peter and I in the park with the stranger. We were talking and all of a sudden the man grabbed my arm and pulled out a machine and placed it on my arm and I saw all the powers getting sucked out of me. I crashed to the ground grabbing my head out of pain, "Nina?" I heard Steve at a distance, I tried to open up my eyes but I couldn't. "Pain. Power. Vision. Future." I grunted through the pain. "FRIDAY call Stark now!" He said as he picked me up and brought me to the living room. "Man. Danger. Tonight." I grunted again. "What is she talking about?" Steve asked the others. Peter slowly stepped forward. Tonight we have a meeting with the man who gave her her powers." Peter said and everybody just stood in silence. "Nina, Tony is on the way." Steve said, I tried to control my breathing and I tried to sit up but I got pushed back down. "Nina please stay calm." Steve said and I could hear the worry in his voice. Before I could reply, Tony ran in. "Nina, sweetheart what's wrong? I'm here now." He said as sat down and put my head on his lap, he softly brushed through my hair like used to do when I was younger. "Dad, help me." I cried out and opened up my eyes, I heard gasps around me but I couldn't see anything my whole vision was blurred in rainbow colors.

The eyes:

"Everything will be fine," Tony said as he kept brushing through my hair

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"Everything will be fine," Tony said as he kept brushing through my hair. Everyone else kept standing there in silence. "Eventually my pain disappeared and I slowly calmed down. I slowly sat up and hugged Tony and cried because of all the fear coming out. "I don't know what happened." I said in between sobs. "It's okay I do." He said as he softly rubbed my back. "Remember I did this with you when you were little?" He asked me and I nodded. "You probably don't remember but this is exactly why I did it. You had those pain shocks in your head you always said." He said and I pulled away. "Really?" I asked and he nodded as he wiped away my tears. "I knew something didn't add up and now I remember that every time you had those there was a man near us and I only just realized it was HIM." He said. "I have a feeling he has the stones with him and comes to retrieve the powers." He said and sighed deeply. "Which will NOT be going tonight but instead we all will go." He said and looked at the others and they were still in shock. "Right?" He asked and they all mumbled yes. Tony looked back at me and smiles. "Your eyes are beautiful tho." He said and put his hands against my cheek as he smiled at me. I relaxed some more and leaned against Tony. "Can Peter and someone else stay with me tho?" I asked. "I'll stay." Steve said without hesitation. "After all I'm the one who saw it all happen." He said and shrugged his shoulders. Tony looked at me and sighed. "Okay fine." He said and looked at his watch. "8:30, we'll have to go soon." Tony said and was about to get up. "Hold up, we heard her call you dad, Tony... what's up with that?" Nat asked while crossing her arms, Tony leaned back and looked at me, I nodded and he took a deep breath. "Before I met mrs. Potts, I was married to Nina's mother and when Nina was little, we got a divorce, we just grew apart. But this wonderful and special girl came out of it." He said as he proudly smiled at me. "So yes, it's true, Nina is my daughter and nobody touches my little girl, not even from a distance." He said and looked at the others. They stayed quiet for a little while, "That explains why you said she was special yesterday." Nat said and looked at me. "Which you are, don't get me wrong but that isn't the way Tony meant yesterday." She said and I nodded in agreement. "Will you be okay?" Tony asked and I nodded. "I have captain and Spidey to protect me." I said while smiling at him, he kissed the top of my head. "I love you dad." I said and he smiled at me. "I love you too honey." He said before walking off with the others. Peter and Steve sat down beside me right away. "So what you wanna do." Steve asked and I laid my head back. "First take a well needed shower, then maybe watch a movie together in my room?" I said and they both nodded. "So how about one of you guys make popcorn and the other keeps watch in my room while looking for a good movie?" I said and looked at them. "Steve you pick out the movie? I make the best popcorn." Peter said and winked at me. I blushed a little and got up to stretch. "Yeah sure." Steve said and we walked towards my room together. "Are you sure you're okay with me being in your room while you shower?" He asked and I nodded. "Why not?" I asked and he just shrugged his shoulders. We walked into my room, I grabbed my PJ's and walked towards the bathroom. "I'm bad at picking movies, why don't you just pick?" He said and I smiled. "Easy pick, Fast and Furious, we'll just say you picked it." I said and he chuckled. "Deal." He said, as I went into the bathroom I heard sit down on the ground against the wall that separates the bedroom and bathroom. "So why didn't you guts te,l us that Stark was your dad?" He asked as I turned the shower on. "For my own safety cause when people know I'll become a target." I said while undressing and stepping into the shower. "Yeah makes sense." He said as he stayed quiet for awhile after, I forgot my surroundings and started to sing. (The video is the song.) after 30 minutes in the shower and sing more random songs I got out of the shower. I dried myself off, got dressed and grabbed my blowdryer. "You can sing beautifully." Steve said and I almost got a heart attack. "Shit sorry I forgot about my surroundings." I said as I plugged my hairdryer. "If you want to talk you have to come in here." I said, I heard him get up but then it went quiet. "Are you...uh dressed?" Steve asked and I could hear he was nervous. "Yes I'm dressed." I said and chuckled. He walked into the bathroom and stood behind me. "How are you feeling after everything?" He asked and I played a little with the cord of the hairdryer. "Mixed feelings to be honest. Relieved that I know what is going on but also overwhelmed cause it is a lot that happened at once." I said and he nodded. I took a deep breath and blew dried my hair till it was a little wat so I can make braids and have curls in the morning. When I was done blow drying, I brushed my hair and saw Steve staring at me. "I still can't believe you're Stark's daughter or even that you exist in general... it's a compliment." He said and I saw his eyes turn soft. I started to make Dutch braids and smiled. "To be honest I can't believe any of what has happened since yesterday either, I never thought I would meet you." I said and started blushing so I quickly walked towards my bedroom, just as I sat down on my bed, Peter walked in with popcorn. "So what movie Cap?" He asked as he sat down on my bed as well, I moved to the middle of my bed and Steve sat down on my other side. "Fast and Furious." He said and winked at me. I felt my cheeks turn red again and grabbed the popcorn from Peter and motioned him to give me the remote. "Never picked you for a fast and furious guy." Peter said as he grabbed some popcorn and Steve looked at me, I just shrugged and selected the movie. "Now sssst." I said as I put the movie on. As we were watching the movie I mouthed every word along. "Nina... have you seen this movie before?" Peter asked, I looked at him in shock. "Me? Never. I only watch chick flicks." I said as I put popcorn in my mouth and I grinned at him full joy. "Ssssst the best part is coming." I said as I sat up straight. In the movie Vincent said to Dom who walked in with Brian, "Hey yo Dom, why'd you bring the buster here?" Dom replied and I said it at the same time, " CAUSE THE BUSTER KEPT ME OUT OF HANDCUFFS! He didn't just run back to the fort! The "buster" brought me back!" The guys just looked at me in surprise. I looked at them and cleared my throat. "Carry on." I said as I laid back down. They both started laughing. We watched the movie further and near the end I slowly fell asleep against Peter who was already asleep.

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