Chapter 65

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When we arrived in Steve's room we sat across from each other on the bed. Steve took a deep breath and then looked at me. "Okay so I have some explaining to do. That day, I got a call all of a sudden that she gad information for a mission and that I had to get it asap. She wouldn't it give to anyone else cause claims she only trusts me. So since we needed the info I just went quickly, hoping to be back in like 10 minutes or so. As I tried to leave she stopped me every time up until she kissed me. That is what you saw." He said and I looked down. "I saw you kiss her back tho." I said and he lifted my chin up. "That is the thing, I didn't, I froze for a second because I couldn't wrap my head around what was happening but as I pushed her away, I heard you fly away." He said softly and tears came in my eyes. "I don't blame you, truly, I would have done the same thing." He said and looked down. "It was really hard for me to know that I hurt you and that you didn't leave your room for weeks because of me. When I heard you turned your emotions off I knew I had to come and help and kissing you was the only way I knew would work. I admit I hope it would make you stop hating me but it didn't." He said and I shook my head. "It didn't work because I never hated you. "I said softly as I started to play with my fingers. "I hated myself for not hating you. I never stopped loving you Steve. I wanted you to feel what I felt and so... I went on a date with Bucky and then with Peter to make you feel that pain. It was all planned. Everybody was in on it, they all knew about my feelings." I said and sighed. "I'm sorry." I said and he chuckled. "Don't say sorry, I'm the one who should be sorry." He said and we both laughed as he wiped away my tears. I climbed onto his lap and looked into his eyes. "I missed you Captain." I said and he smiled. "I missed you too." He said softly before he kissed me softly. "You probably have to go find Tony so you can go home." He said and I shook my head. "I am home." I said and smiled. "Besides Pepper gave me strict instructions NOT to be there in the morning." I said and he laughed. "Well you should go to your own room then perhaps." He said and I shook my head again. "You're my safe haven, I barely slept these last weeks, I need you." I said softly, he smiled as he took off his shirt and handed it to me. "Get ready to go to sleep then." He said and put me back on the bed. He went to the bathroom as I got undressed and put his shirt on. "Be right back." I said and teleported myself to my own room  and took of my make-up. I teleported back and laid down in bed as he walked back in from the bathroom.  He laid down next to me and pulled me closer. "I will prove to you that I am faithful and that all I want is you." He said and I smiled as I buried my face in his chest. "I love you." He said and I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach. "I love you too." I mumbled as I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night because I was thirsty, I looked next to me and Steve was sleeping peacefully, I smiled as I slowly got up and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and when I turned around Steve was standing inches away. He put a hand over my mouth as I screamed and dropped the glass. We both looked at it as he took away his hand. "Shit." I said as I got down and picked it up. "Nina be careful, you can cut yourself." Steve said as I kept picking up the pieces. The last piece cut me and I pretended nothing happened. I used my healing power and threw the glass shards away. "Don't ever scare me like that again." I said and he chuckled. "I'm sorry." He said as I got a new glass. I filled it with water and wanted to drink when the glass got shot out of my hand. "Nina Stark?" A voice asked and I looked confused at Steve. "Uh... yeah?" I asked confused. "Sir we found her." The voice said. "Wait what?" I said as I saw something fly towards us. I quickly put a shield around Steve and me. "Stay close." I said as I grabbed his hand and started to run. We banged on everyone's door and when they opened up I made my shield bigger so they would fit. "Okay let's go." I said as we quickly walked outside. I took a deep breath and focused on Tony. "Dad wake up, yes I am in your head right now but I need you at the compound. Someone's after me and I can't keep this shield up much longer and we will all be in danger." I said in his head before I lost focus. The shield was taking out my energy. "Have. To. Keep. Going." I grunted as I felt my powers getting weaker. I saw soldiers coming towards us and they surrounded us. I saw Tony coming in the distance and when he landed I smiled. "Everybody lay down on the floor." I said and when everybody laid down on the ground I floated into the air and I took a deep breath. "Catch me." I said and looked down as Steve nodded. "AAAAAAAAH!" I screamed as I made a wave of the power get lose, all the soldiers flew into the air and landed a few feet further. I passed out mid air and dropped down.

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