*Chapter Fifty Two* {As I Lay Dying}

Start from the beginning

"I know we will... I love you." She whispers pressing her lips upon his. Enzo's hand raises. His knuckles glide across her cheek before tangling his fingers in her hair.

"I love you more than words can describe." He whispers before reconnecting their lips.

"You should pack a bag for our trip... I'm going to go get some breakfast." Enzo nods allowing her to slip from him.

Alvina jogs down the steps and moves past the parlor. She notices Damon pouring himself a drink. She briefly thinks to herself about why he would be drinking so early in the morning. Although, she doesn't entertain the thought long seeing as it's Damon. He seldom has a rhyme or reason for the things he does.

What doe catch her attention is when he takes off his daylight ring and steps into the sunlight. Without hesitation, Alvina runs to him and throws him into the shadows.

"What the fuck Damon!?" Alvina shouts. Her heart hammers in her chest. Damon growls pushing himself back onto his feet.

"You mind?" He grumbles brushing himself off.

"Do you?" Alvina snapped.

"No, actually, I don't mind burning to death in the sun," Damon snips back. "Much better than what I've got coming."

"I'm used to your mood swings but what the actual fuck is going on with you?" Alvina asks.

"What? British Charming didn't tell you?" Damon patronizes. Alvina stiffens.

"Tell me... what?" She asks. Damon doesn't respond verbally. Instead he shows her the bite mark on his arm. "Damon..." She whispers.

"Got that beauty last night," He sasses. "And if you remember, there's no cure. So, if you'll excuse me, I'd rather end this now than go through the whole shebang."

"No," Alvina whispers shaking her head. "You are not dying." She states.

"This isn't a fairy bite, sweetheart, it's a werewolf bite." Damon tells her somehow finding a balance between sassiness and tenderness.

"Everything has a cure," Alvina tells him. "We just need to look in the right place."

"And where is that? Cause I remember trying everything with Rose." Damon states drinking scotch from the bottle.

"We didn't have Klaus..." Alvina whispers. Damon arches an eyebrow. "Damon, please don't do anything stupid." She begs desperately. Damon took one look in her misty eyes and caves in.

"Fine... I'll suffer the long death just for you. But just so you know, I am so haunting your ass from the other side." Damon warns her.

"Just trust me... Have I ever let you down before?" She asks smiling through the tears. Damon's expression softens. "Just hold on." She whispers before switching to her fairy form and flying to Alaric's apartment.

When she arrives she notices the apartment is empty except for a sickly Katherine.

"Oh, right." Alvina whispers suddenly remembering the anger and the bite she had given Katherine. "Hey, Katherine, can you hear me?" The vampire moans. 

Her eyes slowly flutter open and she lashes out. Alvina heartbeat and the scent of her blood is too much for Katherine to ignore. Plus, somewhere deep in her mind, she knows Alvina's blood can heal her. However, in her current condition, Alvina is able to overpower her without a problem.

"I need you to focus on me," Alvina says staring directly into her eyes. "Focus on me, Katherine," The vampire growls weakly. "Where's Klaus?" No response. "Tell me where he is and I'll heal you." Still no response. "Fuck, I don't have time for this." Alvina growls.

She didn't know how long Damon had. She didn't want to waste time. She didn't even know if Klaus had the answer but she had to find out. This meant she had to find Klaus sooner rather than later and Katherine's delusional mind isn't helping.

Using a particularly sharp nail, Alvina digs into her wrist. She forces Katherine's mouth open and allows a few drops of her blood to fall into her mouth. It's enough to heal her but not enough to satisfy her thirst.

"Where's Klaus?" Alvina asks.

"How should I know?" Katherine snapped. "I've been here for God knows how long."

"You either give me some good information or I reestablish that bite and next time I won't heal you no matter what happens." Alvina threatens.

"I don't know," Katherine growls. "It's not like I have a GPS on him," Alvina extends her fangs threateningly. "Try the woods or stay here. Klaus has to return eventually but I don't know where he is." Katherine says with a degree of fear in her eyes. Alvina growls again but this time in frustration. 

She climbs off of Katherine and paces the room. She didn't want to leave the apartment to search the forest only to find out he had returned here. However, she didn't know how much longer Damon would have. It's already been several hours and Alvina had noticed the greyish tint to his skin already.

"What's the big rush?" Katherine asks. Alvina glances at her.

"Damon got bit by a werewolf." Alvina whispers. Katherine tenses.

"Why are you looking for Klaus?" Katherine asks.

"He might know about a cure, he's the only chance we've got. He's been around longer than any of us and he's the only hybrid. He has to know something." Alvina explains.

"I wouldn't hold my breath." Katherine tells her.

"Why don't you just let me worry about this and you go back to worrying about your own life?" Alvina snarks.

"Worrying about my own life is the only reason why I'm standing here today," Katherine tells her. "It's not easy living in this world, sometimes you have to do what you have to do in order to survive." Katherine tells her.

"And what part of surviving required you to play with Damon's feelings both while he was human and during his entire vampire life up until very recently?" Alvina growls glaring at her. "I guess we'll just ignore the fact that you've forced yourself onto Stefan God knows how many times. Neither of them deserved what you put them through. You didn't have to do it, you did it because you're a sadistic whore who loves playing with peoples feelings. Excuse me, if I'm not sympathetic over the fact that, while your survival instincts have gotten you this far, you're utterly alone and in your current situation." Alvina rants. Only when she's finished does she realize she had stepped closer to Katherine until they were basically toe to toe.

"Stefan loves me and I love him. We were meant to be together and we will," Katherine states feeling slightly intimidated by Alvina but also feeling the need to talk back. "As for Damon, he served his purpose when I needed him and I rewarded him with what he wanted. It's not my fault he fell in love and got his heart broken." Katherine shrugs her shoulders.

"Stefan never has and never will love you." Alvina tells her.

"And let me guess, you believe that Elena was his one and true love?" Katherine asks, tilting her head.

"No," Alvina shakes her head. "Whoever the person that's responsible for the gold initials on his forearm is his one and true love." Alvina snarks, enjoying the surprise and disbelief in her look.

"You're lying." Katherine whispers.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not," Alvina shrugs. "But I do know for sure that his initials are not yours. So, no matter how many times you try and convince yourself that you two just belong together. We both know it's a big fat lie. In the end, you'll still be alone and heart broken while both Salvatore's continue on with life surrounded by family and love. Funny how life works out, isn't it?" 

Katherine growls looking as if she desperately wanted to hurt Alvina but was holding herself back. Alvina smirks as if daring Katherine to make a move. They stand there staring at each other before Katherine walks away knowing if Alvina bit her one more time, it would be the end.

"If you ever did care about Damon then you'll tell Klaus to find me if I haven't found him first," Alvina tells her. "He's Damon's last hope." Katherine doesn't respond but Alvina knows she heard her. Without another word, Alvina leaves in search for Klaus.

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