36. Prince Charming

Start from the beginning

And suddenly I feel (slightly) kind of sorry for this awful kid. I can’t even imagine how frustrating it would be to have parents like that.

“You will know in two weeks.” Mr. Whitman replies.

“Two weeks?” I hear a lot of people in my class mumble.

They are all extremely anxious about the results, but I am not. Not really. I’m almost certain that I failed most of my exams since they went disastrous. So it wouldn’t come as a surprise if I would hear I failed. But the thing that does make me antsy and panicky is the fact that failing means I have to stay at this awful place for another year. Of course all my classmates will hate me again and I’ll probably get Ms. Boonstra as a teacher again. Just to make my life hellish. That would seriously make this year complete.

My phone buzzes and I quickly open the message:

Hey Lou! Congrats! Exams are over, yeey! I just finished my last paper =D Talk to you soon X Bitch

With a big smile on my face I read the text. Whatever the outcome, I can finally enjoy some free time. Some time away from school.

“Okay students you can go and you’ll hear from us soon,” Mr. Whitman announces enthusiastically.

Everyone quickly emerges from the room, including Zayn.

By the look on Matt’s face he certainly won’t enjoy his free time until he knows the results, as probably a lot of other students. Zayn on the other hand will enjoy his free time. Without having spoken to him I know that he made it, most likely with the best grades of the whole class. Zayn has always been very serious about his school work and even if he didn’t learn he would probably still make it. Besides, just a few minutes ago (I totally wasn’t looking…) I saw a faint relieved smile on his face. High school is over for him. From now on everything about this place will be behind him, be in his past.

Even I will be in his past.


“HAZZ!” I scream from outside his house. Apparently nobody except Hazza is home and he will clearly not hear my yelling above the music. He is playing his music extremely loud, as usual. I can even hear the vibrations of the bass from outside!

“HAZZA!” I burst out from the top of my lungs with all the energy I have in me. Still nothing.

Attentively I listen to the bass, feel the bass and wait. When this song finishes and before a new song starts I’ll scream.

Now. “HAROLD!” I scream with all my lung capacity.

It seems as if nothing happens for a moment, but soon enough he opens his window and sticks his head out. He smiles at me. “I’m coming.”

Within a couple of minutes he is downstairs and quickly opens the door for me. “Lou,” he says happily.

“That was about time,” I grin as I give him a simple kiss on the mouth.

“Done with your exams?”

“Yes,” I nod enthusiastically. Of course there is this huge chance I failed, but for now I don’t want to think about that. I’m done with school for this year, done with obligations. Why bother worry about what might happen next when I have a whole summer to enjoy? A summer filled with my group of friends and hardcore parties! A summer to forget about this year, leave it in the past.

“We are going to party so freaking hard this summer!” I bounce excitedly, pinching Hazza’s cheeks.

He stares at me, seemingly surprised.

“What?” I laugh.

He shakes his head and with a goofy smile on his face he confesses: “nothing. It’s just… you’re so cheerful.”

“Oh do you rather want me to be grumpy?”

“Ha-ha, no thank you,” Hazza laughs.


We’re lying together in the park, enjoying the beginning of the summer. I hadn’t noticed the heat before because I was too busy with my exams (or better said with Zayn). But now as I lie with my head on Hazza’s stomach, while the sun shines on our bodies, I feel the warmth. I feel the start of the summer.

I wish that Hazza was done with his first year of college as well (he still has three weeks to go) so that we could run away together. I want to have a fresh start, a fresh start with Hazza and forget about everything. And with everything yes I mean Zayn. Getting away from this place can take my mind off of him. A holiday could do that. Maybe go on a holiday to Spain? I’ve been there before and I absolutely loved it. The people were friendly, the sun was constantly shining and the food was fantastic. Someday I’m going to live there together with Hazza.

“You will always be with me right?” I wonder.

“Of course,” he says without a minute of hesitation, holding my hand even firmer. “No matter what happens, we will always be together. We belong together.”

“Forever,” I add with a smile.

He strokes my hand with his thumb as a form of agreement.

We belong together; that is exactly how I feel.

For a moment I end up back in dreamland. I often think about my dreamland and about perfection. I strive for perfection, even though I know it doesn’t exist. I just wish I could have everything I ever wanted, have my perfect life. But what is perfection? When can I be completely satisfied with what I have? Is that moment now as my relationship with Hazza becomes more serious? Or will it be in time when I’m living together with him?

I don’t feel like I already found that ultimate satisfaction, feeling completely happy. Yes I do have such wonderful and amazing moments whenever I’m with Hazza but when those moments are gone I think about other stuff. At the moment it’s Zayn. Even though I feel so much better and less hurt, he is still constantly on my mind. Some parts of me still want to be with him. Be with Zayn and live in a fairy tale. But seriously; who doesn’t want that? Who doesn’t want that dream castle, all the money in the world and a prince charming on a white horse? Zayn is my prince charming. No! I mean I thought he was. Zayn is not my prince and he never will be.

Hazza is my prince. From the first day I saw him he was my prince. He saved me, he was there for me and he loved me. I love him so much.

“You are my prince.”

“On a white scooter,” he laughs jokingly. He slightly moves his head to give me a soft kiss on my cheek.

His soft touch lingers inside of me, leaving a feeling of warmth, protection and love.

I don’t want to think about my past anymore, about my failures and about my problems. I want to live in the now. I want to enjoy what I have and want to think forward, excitingly awaiting my future. My future with my Hazza.

And for the first time in forever I don’t feel sad. I’m happy with Hazza. I know my life is not perfect, but Hazza is perfect for me.

I sit up from the soft place on his tummy and turn around to face him completely. I look at him with a serious expression. “You really are though, my prince that is. I want to be with. Really be with you.”

Hazza looks completely flabbergasted and enamored at the same time, looking at me with twinkles in his eyes.

I close the distance between Hazza and me and give him a lingering kiss. It’s different from the other kisses that we have shared the last couple of weeks. It’s not a simple, friendly kiss: it’s a kiss for lovers.

As we detach our lips Hazza stares at me like I’m the sun, like I’m his sun. And with so much warmth and adoration in his voice he declares: “you are my prince as well, always have been and always will.”

He closes the distance once more to fully kiss me again.


Although I'm never completely satisfied, I do love this chapter

This is so weird... only 2 to go! What do you think will happen in those chapters?  

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