Start from the beginning

Her brother acted like both Annalise and Adelaine were orphans, he doesn't want to take care of them because he has a family of his own but ― he had no choice.

She hated living in his brother's house, she had planned on staying with the Weasleys, in the burrow. However, She didn't want to trouble the family. And she knew very well, that they will be an added struggle to the Weasleys.

A long silence pass by.

That is until Adelaine took out a chocolate frog from the pocket of her jacket, and handed it to her sister. “Have some energy, I don't want to see you break down again. You still had to take care of me when you graduate”

A smile broke in Annalise's face, she spread her arms wide while still holding the chocolate frog and Adelaine stood from her seat, only to nuzzle herself in her big sister's embrace.

“Yeah, After I graduate ― we will move out of that house and I will work so you can finish your education. We won't be seeing Adam anymore” said Annalise, sounding so motivated yet at the same time, worried.

“Promise me that, Annie. I hate seeing the look on Adam and his wife's face, they act like we're orphans” Adelaine responded before sitting back on the compartment couch, now next to Annalise.

"I will, I promise"

Just then, they felt the scarlet steaming engine running slow, and a loud voice echoed throughout the train "We will be reaching Hogwarts in Five Minutes! Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken separately"

Annalise immediately gasp "Addy, hurry up, we have five minutes left to change into our robes" hurriedly, Adelaine stood from her seat as Annalise started to rummage through their trunk, looking for their clothes.

The next five minutes, they were able to change into their billowing black Hogwarts Robes just as the train came to an abrupt stop, and from inside the compartment, they can already hear the students' footsteps, indicating they were leaving their own spaces and out the dark platform.

"Hagrid will be taking the first years across the lake Addy, while me ― well, I'll be riding on one of the carriages" Annalise stated as they took off the train.

Addy clung around her big sister's arm, afraid to go alone after seeing the Huge beardy man standing before them in the platform.

Annalise bent down and gave her sister a kiss on the forehead before smiling widely ― one that reminded Addy of their mother.

"I'll see you in the Great Hall, I'll be watching you get Sorted alright? Don't be afraid, no one's gonna judge you, except the sorting hat, that is." Adelaine timidly nod her head, causing Annalise to kiss her forehead once more before parting ways.

"Hermione! Ginny!" Annalise immediately run towards the Gryffindor row and forced herself to sit in between Hermione and Ginny, her girl bestfriends.

"Annalise! I've missed you" Hermione hugged her before placing a kiss on her cheek, she snap her head towards Ginny and afterwards, the red head girl engulf her in a tight embrace.

She had been friends with Hermione since fourth year along with Luna, then on their fifth year, she got closer to Ginny along with Ron and Harry, all thanks to the secret organization she was invited to join, Dumbledore's Army.

"How have you been, Monette?" Ginny asked, a grin escaping her lips and Annalise immediately rolled her eyes at the name Monette.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now